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Topic: Monjoronson Q & A Session 14

Group: N. Idaho TeaM



TR: Henry Z.



Prayer: Greetings Michael and Nebadonia and good evening, we come to you to be filled with the grand universe this evening. We come here to be in-circuited in this spiritual workshop in which we ask questions and retrieve answers. We come this evening empty, ready to be filled with your tremendous love. Fill us all with this love and in-circuit us as we settle into your divine presence. This evening we ask the celestial personalities present to join us in this Monjoronson discussion. Please feel free to come in at any time.


Monjoronson: [Henry] Good evening, it is I Monjoronson. Thank you for the comfortable space that I sit into this group to receive questions from mortal concerns seeking divine guidance and wisdom. I connect this group into my circuit, my sense of presence and I ask that all receive a greater awareness this evening. I thank you and when we are ready we can begin.

[Mary] Greetings to you Monjoronson, thank you for being here. May Michael and Nebadonia's blessings be upon us all. I'm going to read through this first set of questions and then I will go back to the first one. This is from the group of Spanish speaking attendees to the web site. First of all, this person would like to give thanks to all of the t/r's that help every week to clear our concerns. Thanks for your efforts and your loving service. Monjoronson, before formulating the questions, I would like to thank your support to the participants in Spanish and it is a pleasure for me to translate your answers. Because of this service I am learning to know you, to love you and to feel nearby to you. I attach some questions from our sisters and brothers in Bolivia.

Questions: [Mary] I will read through these other questions and come back to the first one. 1: How are we born under spirit? 2: How can we tell the difference between our own will and The Father's will? 3: How can we tell the difference between channeling or t/r'ing and the product of our own subconscious? 4: How do we recognize who the teacher is when transmitting or is the teachers name unimportant? 5: Do you adjust your mind to the mind of the t/r? 6: Is 888 a midwayer prompt you can explain?

Q #1: [Mary] How are we born of the spirit?

Monjoronson: [Henry] Good evening, this is Monjoronson. Thank you for your concerns this evening. This person asks how are we born of the spirit? The spirit indwells within the human consciousness. When this human consciousness begins to indwell spirit consciousness is the human truly born of the spirit? As is all life on Urantia, so is spirit seeking to be acknowledged. By simply acknowledging the spirit presence within, one is born of the spirit. As a humans' intention begins to coincide with the intentions of spirit, that human is also born of the spirit. As a human being begins to understand a better way of living with his or her brothers and sisters, is that person truly born of the spirit.

As a person begins to distinguish its will as something separate from The Father's will, is that person also truly born of the spirit. The term born of the spirit is a term in which it is intended to convey that man has truly allowed spirit to intervene in the possibilities of that human expressing love, compassion for those outside of his immediate influence. By simply allowing your consciousness to express in faith and in hope the desire to truly become one with spirit is one born of the spirit. This phenomenon may take place at any time, at any moment under any condition and in any situation. Thank you.

Q #2: How can we tell the difference between our own will and The Father's will?

Monjoronson: This is Monjoronson. At first a person begins to comprehend its own will. There is no other will that impinges upon a persons will as first, when that person begins to discern its own will. In understanding The Father's will, one begins to understand and become aware of the tremendous pull which The Father extends to us as humans, that force which gradually draws us inward. The ramification of this force pulling one inward along with everyone else, begins to reveal the interconnectedness between people.

The Father's will is nothing more than acknowledging The Father and loving everyone else as a brother and sister with all of the accoutrements attendant upon loving towards ones fellows. If one is not able to distinguish between ones will and The Father's will, it is quite possible those two wills are one. When one will begins to discern a greater will, the lesser will surrenders subserviently to this greater will which begins to engender the human with a greater sense of purpose.

The Father's will in general is distinguished from mans will in that it is not ego driven or self driven. It has a consciousness of all being one, of everything in harmony, the discord rendered to melody, the twisted and crooked paths into a straighter way, a more direct way. This is not to put any judgement on either will. The Father completely accepts mans will knowing full well that in time man may gradually surrender his will to accept a greater will in which he is continually being bombarded with. Thank you for your question.

Q #3: [Mary] On a related note, how can we distinguish channeling from the product of our own subconscious?

Monjoronson: As one asks this question as a human one needs to prepare to move into a higher consciousness, a superconsciousness of the mind, a place where the mind comes to an end yet the continuing train of thought is encountered by the human mind. It definitely seems as if the human consciousness has many aspects that play upon it, the subconsciousness is healthy and at work in a persons dreamtime, quite possibly in the indirect motivations of that individual.

The interesting thing about the subconscious is that the subconscious is an aspect of the mind which is below the consciousness level and certain automatic brain functions utilize this subconscious mind mechanism to interplay backstage in the human mind. In this respect it is also possible for spirit to interject in this area when the conscious mind is disconnected such as in sleep and the subconscious mind is taking over. But in general spirit approaches the mind from above, from the point of view of superconsciousness.

Part of what this question is asking is that as the spirit personality begins to unfold the plans, the answers are the lesson to the mind. The human consciousness receiving and perceiving spirit presence and spirit thought many times is filtered within the human consciousness by a resource of information in the memory bank of that particular t/r and also by the subconscious recollection of that t/r. One must understand, where spirit is concerned, all mechanisms are at work not just one particular aspect of the human consciousness even though such as this t/r draws from a superconscious aspect of his mind to touch upon the intention and presence of spirit.

Some t/rs' have a greater access to spirit presence and to be able to discern in an intuitive way what spirit is relaying. In this particular t/r this evening, as I speak through the t/r, certain parts of this t/r's consciousness are highlighted and alerts the t/r that my message lies here. Anyway it is personal to the t/r and all t/r's are different. What is important is that the t/r exercises faith and trust In this sacred connection, in this trusted en-circuitment. Then again it is up to the person reading what the t/r has brought in and that person discerns for itself what in the information contained can that person use, can that person be inspired by, can that person be motivated with, what that person can be concerned with and aware of within its own mind. Thank you for your question.

Q #4: [Mary] If a person is t/r'ing,Is it important that they get the teachers name or not?

Monjoronson: In general the name of the celestial personality or messenger certainly is not as important as the message. Teachers evolve with groups who focus and concentrate their energies to a teachers presence and the teacher will generally reveal a name within the mind of one within the group. A name can be something that is familiar to the person or the group, it can be something that is non familiar. Again, it is not that important what something is called, what a person is called. The words being spoken are what is important. I hope that this helps.

Q #5: Do you adjust your mind to the mind of the t/r?

Monjoronson: No, the t/r adjusts its mind to my mind and presence, thank you.

Q #6: Is 888 a midwayer prompt that you could explain?

Monjoronson: No

[Mary] The person who asked this series of questions for that group say thank you very much Monjoronson and she sends you a big kiss so I thought I'd pass that on.

Monjoronson: Thank you very much also for your questions this evening and in the efforts that you will take in discerning your will and The Father's will begin to touch upon the reality of spirit and as you clear your mind be open to receive what comes in. Thank you this evening.

[Mary] This next section here is something posted on their website through the administrator. The administrator tried to contact the questioner to try and get permission to reword some of the questions for easier understanding in English but did not hear back so we will just do the best we can as we always do. These questions are for our Magisterial Son and are as follows:

Q #7: Is there some person on Urantia who can heal severe diseases? Mankind is not convinced there is such a healing ability, so will there be someone who can heal severe diseases that we can come to for help?

Monjoronson: Quite possibly there is a person on Urantia that can heal severe diseases but in general it is up to the human to heal their own diseases, to find within themselves the understanding awareness, the consciousness and the faith that it takes to clear the mind, to clear the body and begin to heal themselves. There are individuals on Urantia which help in the facilitation of diseases. They facilitate the individual in the individual's own healing. In the case of a faith healing, it is the mind of the inflicted who must come to its own awareness of healing, to be healed. Even Jesus was able to heal because of the great faith of the person receiving the healing. Thank you for your question.

Q #8: The second question this person asks seems to me to be related to the first question about the healing of severe diseases: Why doesn't Urantia receive the Creator's spiritual attention that was given to Urantia when Jesus was here? Today Urantia is changed from the days when Jesus came and does that make any difference about what our world now receives?

Monjoronson: It sounds like this person is answering his own question. Urantia receives the same attention it received always that it receives now from the Creator Son Michael. Michael's attention to Urantia became more personal when he bestowed Himself in the likeness of flesh and lived amongst you, this is certainly true but Michael's caring for your planet has not stopped. Michael's concern and love is outpoured continuously on your world. The Spirit of Truth seeks to connect people with each other to engender a greater sense of brotherhood.

The spirit indwelled mortals of Urantia are constantly being uplifted by internal thought forms motivated through the adjusters consciousness. I am not sure of this persons concern. Spirit is not responsible to do mans work, it is man that's responsible to do his own work albeit with and through the help of spirit, in conjunction with spirit. Your world is truly loved. How many of you actually feel this love? How many of you can put your hand on this love? How many of you are willing to give a face and a hand to this love? How many are willing to become bearers and givers of this love?

It is not so much that Michael's spiritual energy has waned in any aspect, it is that the overburdening population of Urantia has not come forth to truly believe in the love that Michael as Jesus living on Urantia showed to you as was possible in a spiritual sense; to love your brothers and sisters as you love yourself and to honor them as you honor The Father and respect them as you respect The Father. Spirit is not concerned with time. It must be understood, Urantia relates to its own sense of being in space and time and true, spirit does act in space and time but spirit is more concerned with human will and consciousness than it is with time.

As a matter of fact, humankind, except for the numbers of the densely populated mortals that now exist, humankind has not changed tremendously since the days when Michael walked upon your world. Mankind still has not accomplished what Michael intended to teach. It has been much easier for the churches to have a religion about Jesus rather than to accept the responsibility of Jesus' religion, but then again mankind is where mankind is.

Mankind cannot move faster than mankind can move and in time man will begin to exhibit an awareness of spirit, an acknowledgement of spirit. Human nature is on the brink of demonstrating this, it is on the verge, it will not take very much. Everyone on Urantia is following most everyone else. It's only a matter of time until everyone begins to follow the right people and in the analysis of statistics, this will happen on your world. Again, it is not that you are forgotten or neglected.

Michael didn't interfere with affairs of men while He was on the planet, neither is Michael interfering in the affairs of men today, yet Michael's spirit and Michael's message is the same, it will always be the same. Spirit is not worried that love and compassion for ones fellows is not in the uppermost of all persons minds on Urantia. Again spirit knows that in time, mankind will come around, man will begin listening, man will truly desire then hunger for righteousness, for love and compassion, for a simple answer to the myriad and complexity of the human mazes on Urantia.

Q #9: The third question asks your opinion Monjoronson about our existing churches. They state that their opinion is that the existing churches focus more on the blessings of life now rather than teaching about our destiny or the things we can do today to spiritualize ourselves.

Monjoronson: In answer to your last concern about the churches, the churches are where they are at. This is where the human consciousness has arrived in terms of worship, in terms of caring, in terms of bringing a somewhat spiritual consciousness into being. There are many unsung works which the church performs throughout the world. Many of the churches truly are of service to the downhearted, to the poor of spirit. Many churches help adjust the tensions of justice on your world, the tensions of appeasement. The vast majority of humans on the planet are truly spiritually rich, yet are you aware of it, yet.

It is intended that the divine monitor within eventually brings men to a greater sense of consciousness. It is this greater sense of awareness and consciousness which will transform the churches from within. Transformed individuals will lead to transformed groups, transformed groups will lead into transformed organizations, transformed organizations will lead into a transformed society and when society begins to act out of respect for all life equally, truly great things will happen on your world.

It is inevitable that humankind should tread this path. It is the one path that has not been treaded on your world, the path of peace, the path in which love finds a way to help everyone on the planet to truly become recognized, to become empowered, to live as a true son or daughter of God. Let us pray for that day when the world truly becomes born of the spirit, not just individuals, not just individuals giving lip service to some acceptable phrase or that mankind truly becomes motivated with the responsibility that drives the desire to grow in spirit and grow as a family, who respects God as their Father. Thank you.

Q #10: [Mary] We have one final question Monjoronson. Are the 144,000 here now? Do at least some of them suspect that they might be part of this group in part based on the identifying mark mentioned in revelations 7 and 14 or are the 144,000 here now?

Monjoronson: Thank you for your question and your inquiry. At this time this information is not important that I answer this and I thank you for your concerns.

[Mary] Thank you for working with us tonight Monjoronson, we enjoy your company.


Monjoronson: Thank you, thank the team that works to put this together and I thank the general public at large to study our efforts on a weekly basis and to continue to be inspired ways in which humans can be of service to each other, good evening.