Chapter 10: The Final Creative Thesis

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Is the master universe an end, in and of itself? We know that its completion is a very distant goal, but is it a final goal? Is there a possibility that this vast creation, itself, is really a nucleus, a nucleus of something that could be even larger? Could cytoplasmic universes exist at some time beyond the outer boundary of the Quartan Space Level?

So far, we have studied two nuclear universes: Havona as the nucleus of the grand universe, and the grand universe as the nucleus of the master universe. We should now consider this possibility: that the master creation, itself, is a nucleus, perhaps the third and the final nucleus.


We have used four criteria to identify a nuclear creation, and it will be helpful to recapitulate these-

(a) A nuclear universe is unique in nature; it is not like the cytoplasmic creations that surround it.
(b) The completion of a nuclear universe is associated with the appearance of new deity.
(c) The completion of a nuclear universe is also associated with the factual formation of a new trinity.
(d) The nucleus is transmissive of characteristics to the cytoplasmic outer creations through the activities of the new trinity, the concurring creators, and the associated administrators, who come out from the nuclear universe to serve in the new outer creations.

The Havona nucleus. In the identification of Havona as a nuclear universe (in Chapter IV., §1.) we observed: the central creation is existential; it is the only such creation, no other creation could be like it because none are eternal.

The existential Infinite Spirit appeared simultaneously with the appearance of existential Havona. The Paradise Trinity formed with the appearance of the Infinite Spirit, hereditary characteristics of divine perfection were transmitted to the cytoplasmic superuniverses by God the Sevenfold, and by the other ministers and administrators who came out from the Paradise-Havona system to serve in the cytoplasmic superuniverses.

The Nuclear grand universe. In identifying the grand universe as the second nuclear creation, we observed: no other creation could be like the grand universe because this domain is associated with the evolution of the Supreme Being, and all subsequent creations will be post-Supreme in nature. The experiential Supreme emerged simultaneously with the perfection of the experiential superuniverses. The First Experiential Trinity was able to form as a factual reality with the completed emergence of the Supreme Being. Hereditary characteristics were transmitted from the nucleus to the cytoplasmic outer creations by the First Experiential Trinity, and by the host of concurring creators and associated creatures from the grand universe who served in these outer creations.

The nuclear master universe. Now, let us apply these same criteria to the completed master universe to see if it does, or does not, constitute a nuclear creation:

(a) Unique nature. The master universe is radically, different from any possible creation that might follow it. No subsequent realm could be like the master universe, because it is the space-stage whereon the Ultimate grew and finally emerged. Any later-appearing creation would have to be post-Ultimate in nature.
(b) Deity appearance. The completion of the master universe is concurrent with the final emergence of God the Ultimate.
(c) Trinity formation. The final emergence of the Ultimate makes it possible for the Second Experiential Trinity to form as a factual reality.
(d) Transmissive. The Second Experiential Trinity has the capability so to mobilize the total resources of the master universe as to transmit experiential meaning-values of the finite and the absonite to any possible outer and cytoplasmic creations that might develop in the future.

These comparisons seem to indicate that the master universe is not a final end-product; that it is a nuclear creation and, as such, is similar to the grand universe and to the central universe. The master universe appears to be the nucleus of some domain that must be external to it and even greater in size.


The completion of the third nuclear universe, in association with the factual formation of the Second Experiential Trinity, would appear to constitute the third (and final) creative thesis - God's final challenge to all creation. This new challenge is made real by the emergence of a new trinity, the Trinity Absolute, that is able to form in fact when God the Ultimate appears on the scene of action. The corporative members of this Trinity are:

(a) The Supreme Being, the first experiential Deity.
(b) God the Ultimate, the second experiential Deity.
(c) The Unrevealed Consummator of Universe Destiny.

This Trinity encompasses the sum total of all experiential attainment in the whole master creation, plus the addition of the unpredictable factor represented by the presence of the Destiny Consummator.

Let us evaluate the members of this Trinity, the Second Experiential Trinity. They represent and power-personalize almost everything that we have been studying thus far in our examination of the master universe:

(a) The Supreme Being. This experiential Deity enjoys a unique relationship to the two experiential Trinities; he is a member of both. (Chapter VI, §1.)

We believe, however, that his relationship to these two Trinities takes place on different levels. Let us go back to the completion of the Second Universe Age to re-evaluate the Supreme, and then compare this evaluation with the Supreme after the close of the Sixth Age, after the completion of the master universe.

(1) At the close of the Second Age, the Supreme Being has completed the power-personality synthesis of the total finite. He has become and contactable and approachable Deity. His growth has exhausted the potentiality of the total finite. It is as such a total-finite Deity that be functions as a member of the First Experiential Trinity.
(2) At the close of the Sixth Age, the Supreme Being is something a great deal more than finite Deity. He has been personally growing and expanding on the absonite level during all of the long ages of the outer space universes. He has been doing this as a deity participant in the efforts of the Trinity Ultimate to unify. He has also been doing this as a personal participant in the affairs of the outer universes. At the close of the Sixth Age, we would suggest that the Supreme has undergone and has completed the whole of the absonite growth that will characterize the four outer space levels.

If this line of reasoning is valid, then the Supreme Being, who is a deity-member of the First Experiential Trinity, is a post-finite being. The Supreme Being, who is a deity-member of the Second Experiential Trinity, is a post-ultimate being. This is an interesting point, because that which is post-ultimate must be absolute - perhaps co-absolute, associate-absolute, or quasi-absolute - but not sub-absolute. (See Appendix XIX, § 3.)

(b) God the Ultimate. The completed emergence of the Ultimate means that he has incorporated within his being all of the experiential meanings and values of the entire master universe; that he has unified these with the original absonite values of Paradise origin which must have been imparted to him initially by the Paradise Trinity. As with the Supreme, in relation to the total finite, so the Ultimate has completed the growth process in relation to the total absonite. The final emergence of the Ultimate, then, is an indication of the exhaustion of the possibilities for further growth on the absonite level. This means that the Ultimate, like the Supreme at this point, is "post-ultimate;" and, as we have already noted, that which is post-ultimate cannot be sub-absolute. (See Appendix XIX, §3.)
(c) The Consummator of Universe Destiny. This is just about the most mysterious being that is of record in the Papers. We know virtually nothing about him, except that he is concerned with the consummation of destiny. He is the third member of the Second Experiential Trinity and, so far as we know, may be pre-existent to both the Supreme and the Ultimate. (He may occupy a position in the Second Experiential Trinity that is analogous to that of the Corps of Master Architects in the First - both are preexistent to the other two members.) The Destiny Consummator obviously has something to do with the attainment of destiny; but, concerning his possible contribution to such destiny we cannot even speculate. (See Appendix XIX, § 6.)

It should by now become apparent why the Second Experiential Trinity is named the Trinity Absolute. Its members appear to be absolute, at least we may be sure that they are post-ultimate. This Trinity has a scope of function that includes the whole master universe and appears to project into the space regions outside of it. The First Experiential Trinity is ultimate in function; the Second is absolute. The objectives of the First Experiential Trinity were threefold:

(a) Its own unification
(b) The completion of the master universe
(e) The emergence of God the Ultimate

The objectives of the Second Experiential Trinity likewise appear to be threefold:

(a) The unification of the Trinity Absolute
(b) The completion of the creations outside the master universe
(c) The final emergence of God the Absolute

These objectives appear to be limitless arid, therefore, may be most difficult to attain. Nevertheless, the Trinity Absolute is the post-ultimate result of the completion of the entire master universe, and the final challenge to the citizens of the post-Ultimate age.


The idea of the possible mobilization of the total resources of the entire master universe is quite beyond imagination. Nevertheless, we submit that something along this line is bound to happen under the direction of the Trinity Absolute.

The first great mobilization took place in the "dawn of time." This is when the citizens of the perfect creations of eternity were challenged by the opening of the imperfect superuniverses. This is the Supreme Adventure, the adventure out into the superuniverse space level, the adventure of the Second Age.

The second mobilization followed the beginning of the Third Universe Age, when the total resources of the grand universe were marshaled by the Trinity Ultimate for the invasion of outer space. This has been named in the Papers, the Ultimate Adventure.

Now, we are trying to visualize the third mobilization - the mobilization of all the resources of the master universe - all the resources from Havona to the Quartan Space Level. This is much too much to try to visualize, but we do have the belief that some such marshaling of resources will herald the proclamation of the Absolute Adventure.

We have come quite a way in our study. We have looked back to visualize the Supreme Adventure; then forward, to try to picture the Ultimate Adventure; and now, at last, we are trying to imagine the final adventure -the Absolute Adventure.