2008-04-02-Rick's Questions

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Topic: Rick's Questions

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Monjoronson, Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



Monjoronson: Greetings to you Rick, this is Monjoronson.

Rick: Ah, greetings my brother, so good to hear your voice.


Monjoronson: Yes my brother. It is very good to be with you again in this fashion. As you know and are well aware, the energies of change are indeed quickening on Urantia preparing the way for my eventual materialization upon your world as a Paradise Creative Son who will inaugurate a new era of light and life on Urantia. This is to be done in the not to distant future albeit I can not give you a specific date as you well know. But be of good cheer my brother and know that Michaels plan is well under way and that you shall indeed see some massive changes occurring in a very short time that is in the span of several short years. As the circuits open and more people become attune to the call of Michael within them, you will see just outpourings of mercy from the heavens descend upon this world to steady it as it makes this change, this jump, you might say, of evolutionary progress. It is as if the desires of the human heart will have catapulted your evolution into a blossoming of the creative arts in all of the institutions of your planetary culture. I am so glad that you focus your efforts on the scientific developments. This is an area were much creativity and imagination can be manifested in the physical plane. So as you continue to collaborate with the people who where brought to you, increasingly ask for the melding of your thoughts and the sharing of your ideas in an energetic exchange with one another. There are a number of creative possibilities of information sharing that are available to you now. It is if you are able to have a mind to mind transfer of information. But this must be done with people that you feel safe and attuned to and those individuals who are aligned in manifesting more of the divine will on Urantia. When you do this, with this individual or individuals, simply state your intention for the information within your thought processes to begin to blend together and call on the celestial personalities such as Aurora and Serena and those others of this personality cauterization to assist in this process. The more minds that are blended together help build the collective energy that fosters the growth of the Supreme Being. The minds of humanity are opening and it is time for those who are ready to be woven more tightly together so you are able to accomplish the task at hand. Not individually, but collectively so that the benefits can be spread across the planet in a much more efficient and effective manner. Do you have any questions thus far before we help you with your restructuring of your consciousness?

Rick: Oh, I seem to have endless questions Mojoronson. I understand what you are trying to teach me here about bringing our minds together and I do appreciate that instruction. I am very excited about the new energies that I am discovering through the internet. I do wish to be a part of bringing these forward. There seems to be a tremendous force that is keeping them form coming forward, although I am not going to allow that energy to take me into that place of fear. I am just going to continue to move forward however I can.

I have a question that is along different lines that I would like to bring up now. Would this be good time to bring this question forward?

Monjoronson: Please share them with me and I will answer them as best I can within the parameters I have to deal with at this time.

Rick: At this time I would ask for a better understanding of our interaction with our brothers from other planets. As I read and learn and more about the interactions between humans and what we term aliens or ET’s, there is a great confusion that arises and that is it seems to be that human free will has been and continues to be violated by these beings who come hear to explore, to teach or take. I’m not exactly sure what the ET’s intentions are when I read books about other people’s experiences. I am trying to have a better understanding of what is taking place here on the planet. I know that because of the default in our local Universe there are probably things happening here that normally don’t happen with the interactions with visitors from other planets. So I hope you understand the question. I am trying to get a better understanding of why human free will has been violated by these higher intelligences. Why has it been allowed and when will it stop or has it stopped at this time?

Monjoronson: Yes, I can appreciate your concerns and I will answer your question. One moment… Free will is sacrosanct in the Universe; however there are times in planetary emergencies when permission is given to help people become up stepped in a way that is in keeping with the will of the Father that indwells them. This is a highly unusual circumstance that you refer to, and permission was granted to allow the experimentation and the cross fertilization of the human stock with some of the higher forms of human life from other worlds to create a more hardy Urantian stock that could be more easily attuned to the indwelling fragment and the other Spiritual agencies around them. This has been done in a highly selective manner. Some people were aware of this. Some people were not. But it was all a careful orchestration. And it is continuing for some time, because, as you well know, the genetic pool of Urantians has been at risk for many years due to the pollution and the other toxins of the planet. As you know, all of this is being corrected during this time. But it is still an ongoing process that needs more time to extract the full fruits so that this will help the planet make its ascension according to Michaels plan in bringing this planet back into the Universe fold after the rebellion. Be very discreet with how you use this information. Donna has had much trepidation in these words that I have transmitted through her. And I wish to assure her that these words are indeed true. Donna, as you continue to transmit for your brother Rick, know that I will indeed be moving in you as well to help you free yourself form this energetic configuration that has been causing you so much consternation over these last few weeks. You are almost at the end of your repatterning journey my sister, so be of good cheer and know that all is well and that new vistas are opening up for you in the very near future if you can contain yourself during this time and not allow your emotion to run roughshod over your intellect..

Monjoronson: Do you have any other questions now Rick?

Rick: I would leave the questions aside for now. I would just like to talk a little bit now about my recent journey. I guess I would call it a soul journey. I went down to visit my beloved friends in Costa Rica. I know that much was revealed to me in this soul journey and one of the strongest things that were revealed is the same thing that Michael has been working on with me for quite some time, and that is self acceptance. This time, I was not only taken, through a series of questions, back to my childhood when I took on that mistaken belief that there was something wrong with me, but I was also shown in a breathing exercise where my strength lies. And it showed me it lies in my heart and heart intelligence and it felt huge and powerful. It was a wonderful experience. And now that I have become aware of this mistaken belief about myself, I can now choose again about the reality of who I am. I am also aware that, after a lifetime of this mistaken belief, this new found knowledge is not going to make it disappear overnight. It will take time to remove all the fears and doubts about myself that I have succumbed to all these years. I ask for your continued assistance with this matter. It is very important now for me to learn self acceptance and self love.

Monjoronson: It is a cornerstone of the Spiritual journey. It has as it’s underlying foundations; strong, vibrant and vibrating radiating energy that continues to attract into you those dimensions of the first source and centers nature which you share with Him as your divine source. So now my brother it is time for you to sit back and relax and to open yourself up to this area of your being where these memories have been encoded deeply and have etched a mark upon your self image. There are a number of celestial personalities who are ready to converge upon you once you give the go ahead. And they will help you execrate yourself from the pains you have experienced because of this pivotal event that occurred in your early life. Are you ready?

Rick: (laughter) Bring it on.

Monjoronson: Bring it on… thank you. (pause) Ask for the face of the Father to come close to you now. Ask to see your Father’s face before you. Stay focused in your heart in order to perceive this. Focus on the desire, your passion to see the Father’s face. (long pause) There is an energy of the collective unworthiness of humanity long, long seated in the hearts of your brother’s and sister’s purposely constructed by those who chose the path of darkness and evil. It is time for this to be released from the memory banks of you as a reflection of the Father in the physical world. Your evolutionary nature was designed to carefully conserve the potentials of Divinity within you up-stepped with the Adamic inheritance and because of the double depredation you have carried this within you for a long, long period of time. Do not be afraid to acknowledge this deeply embedded thought strand on your DNA chain. Simply recognize that is was planted there Ask for forgiveness, ask for compassion, ask for understanding to sit upon this thread as your helpers continue to re-pattern you in what you now need to replace it.

Humanity has suffered and paid a heavy price for this and it my mercy ministry of compassion that fuels the adjudication process that is now occurring on Urantia; the partings of the ways, as you say. Those individuals who are ready to step up and receive what is coming to them as part of the Father’s Love for them and those who stubbornly, willfully, persistently refuse to accept the offer of divine mercy. Many people will not be allowed to stay on the planet. Their services are no longer required and they will be able to move on. Those who stay will be participating in the great awakening and unfolding of light and life. So it is time my brother to have this unworthiness completely removed from your being, setting you free to be about the Father’s business as has been planned for you these many, many long generations since Michael’s plan was first presented to the Father for the rehabilitation of Urantia and the other planets torn apart by the rebellion. Continue to deepen your feelings of gratitude and desire for this re-patterning. It is, as you might say, a very big undertaking.

Rick: Yes… I’m running into more and more people who just cannot even imagine this undertaking because it is so big. I have dear friends who I have visited who cannot see their way thru this undertaking and I coach them to simply look within and trust the Father to guide them thru it because I believe it is the Father’s will as well as Michael’s will for this undertaking to be successful.

Monjoronson: The Father, Michael and I have met many times met to discuss the plans of rehabilitation for Urantia. And, as you know, Michael has the sovereignty to do whatever He wishes. But His desires are always brought to the Father for additional, or what you might consider it to be, the official go ahead, and this is the best term I can use that you would understand in terms of your human understanding.

Stay centered in your heart as the workers continue to move in you. And now I would call upon Adam and Eve to step in and begin to impart what you need into you physical being that will allow for the integration of these energies within your physical body over time. Feel your desire for them to step forward and for you to feel the longings of your heart to receive the fullness of your divine inheritance restored to you. It is yours. You have every right to this. Open your heart now and receive. (long pause)

Allow the memories of war, discord, competition, anger, hatred, unfairness, entitlement, superiority; let all of these ideas of energy thought forms be released as you recognize that this was part of the distortion seeded within the DNA as your biologic parents confer more of their divine DNA in those places upon your genetic strand.

Rick: At this time I would ask for the strand of DNA that the Indigo children have within them to grow within me now.

Monjoronson: The connection you have with these children will indeed grow but you know not what you ask, so allow yourself just to hold the intention to be gravitated towards them when the time is right.

Rick: I place my full trust in the Divine timing.

Monjoronson: And now simply shift your awareness to the idea of the ultimaton. It is time to look more closely at this if you wish to perceive some of the energies that are unknown on Urantia that the book has intimated in several places. Open your mind now that you may receive more information about this to filter down into your consciousness.

I encourage you to invite your teacher Arturo thru your own personal transmitting sessions. And to begin to ask him questions about the ultimaton so he may impart the information that you are ready to receive. You may use a transmitter, but I would encourage you to receive this on your own for a while that you may fully engage your intellect in a way that harmonizes the various facets of your mind into a more expansive picture of the Fathers functioning in the worlds of time and space. Your intellect has grown, and you have the capacity to understand some dimensions of this and you can share it with the individuals you are collaborating with to advance scientific and technological development on Urantia. Very soon you will all be more free to explore these technologies and more will be shared with you. But prepare yourself now by collaborating with your teacher more closely and develop your mind even more than you already have so this information can be easily imparted. Over the coming days you will notice some shift and excitation of the molecules in your body as these old patterns continue to break up and release. Be not concerned by this, and remember to spend some time each day in stillness as they call upon you; Adam and Eve, Serena and all of the other celestials who are participating in the re-patterning program of the human system. I will step back now for a moment as your Father Michael whishes to convey something to you.

Michael: Greetings Rick my son; this is your Father Michael.

Rick: Greetings Michael.

Michael: Well my son you have had quite a journey have you not over these past few years.

Rick: Well, the closest I could come to describing it would be an incredible roller coaster ride.

Michael: Think of the emotions that you feel in coming off the ride once you are back on steady ground and your experience of the depth as your stomach hurls into your throat. And you felt the excitement as you ascended that peak and then you felt the depth. But now it is time to be on steady ground. The rollercoaster ride is almost at an end so you will find yourself on a different ride in the amusement park if you like .This new ride will explore new vistas in your mind. But once your emotions become more stable and harmonized in my peace, you will feel a new security and confidence that you have not yet experienced. You might call it similar to what your apostle brothers and sisters felt at the time of Pentecost when they were imbued with the Spirit of Truth. And so this Spirit of Truth is now open and your heart is ever widening its capacity for truth, for my presence. So you shall have access to more of Me than you ever have had in your life as your mind becomes more harmonized in mine. And you well know that you can call on me any time and exchange your thoughts for mine. But now I would draw you into my mind more. The Spiritual circuitry is growing around you to anchor yourself in me with a wider expanse of your presence in my being. Receive this now my brother, and my son, and my friend as you are moved into greater opportunities of service and the reclamation of our beloved Urantia from the clutches of sin and evil and you shall feel a deeper peace and security. I will leave you in that my brother and my friend and my son as you deepen our relationship and know, without a shadow of a doubt the presence of my peace within you. I leave you and will return you to the guidance of my brother and yours, Monjoronson.

Rick: Thanks you Michael. I love you.

Michael: And I love you.

Monjoronson: Well Rick, much has been seeded within you today and it will unfold. Before I take my leave and we close the energetic circuits that connect us, do you have any final thoughts or questions to share with me?

Rick: Yes Monjoronson. You spoke earlier of the gift that you bring to this world; “the parting of the ways” where the light can finally shine and bring forward the beauty of the human heart. You spoke of those who services would no longer be needed will be leaving this world. And what about those whose give a disservice to this world, will they also be leaving, or do we still have to fight thru their disservice to allow our light to shine?

Monjoronson: Those that I spoke of who services are no longer required are those who have been, what you have said, providing a disservice to your brethren and to the world. But know that they are loved, they have made choices, some conscious and some not. But as you know those ideas that are engendered in their behavior are not a part of the growing planetary culture, and they have used up what you might consider to be their usefulness because of the old structure now being dismantled. But they are loved and they are cared for and they are given many, many opportunities to be rehabilitated if they so choose. We sincerely hope and anticipate that many will step up and receive Michael’s offer of mercy, and my compassion, but that is still to be determined. But bear no weight or consideration about this. You focus on what you need to stay connected to and receive in the coming days and allow Michael’s peace to continue to grow within you. Does that satisfy you for now?

Rick: Yes. Yes it does. Thank you.


Monjoronson: And as always, I thank you for the decisions that you have made and your participation in this great unfolding. May you thrive, and may you feel a new connection to all those unseen friends around you who love you and support you, encourage and lead you into new opportunities to share the good news with your brothers and sisters. And I leave you in the peace of our Creator Father in Paradise whose love has divested Himself into the vast starry cosmos. You are a part of a gigantic evolving creation and your place in it is growing in your awareness. Be of good cheer and enjoy your day.

Rick: Thanks you my dear brother and friend.

Monjoronson: Good day.