2000-05-17-Love of Father, Michael's Example

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Topic: Love of Father, Michael's Example

Group: Arcadia TeaM


Teacher: JarEl, Thorson

TR: Unknown



THORSON: I'd like to say a few words to you this evening about the love of the Father.



The Father's love is not an intellectual pursuit. It does not contain rational analysis. Neither can it be scientifically studied as factual, but nonetheless it is real and it is powerful. It is the function of the divine spiritual essence resident within which is constantly attuning the mind to open the heart to this wellspring of love. This seems to be the greatest challenge for most of the humans on this planet. is to lessen the fear and distrust and to be able to soften to this love. If you are in your mind, in your head all the time, you are not going to access this bountiful wellspring of love. Love springs forth as it is needed, as you begin to show a concern for others. As you begin to remove the importance of yourself and honor just the simple respect and importance of other, through this channel of love, part of the challenge to access this love is to access an open relationship with God.

You do not have to understand what this love is to possess it. You do not have to understand what it is to give this love. You don't really have to understand where it comes from. But, as you do begin to show forth love, you do get a sense of where it originates and you get the sense of it's source.

There have been volumes of words written about love. There have been many sessions spoken of love. You in your own lives have felt the joy and satisfaction which giving love has brought to you. Love is an Adjuster and love is a controller. Love controls the moment. It has a way aligning everything into a warm harmony.

Love is not something that can just be stored up like money in a bank, or food in a pantry, or air in a tank. Love is living, like breath. The only way that you can take in a breath is to exhale the one that you're holding. The only way to receive love is to give the love that you have, to move this energy out into the universe. Move it through your intention, through your eye contact, through your voice. Move it through your thought, even move it through your body, but you are constantly challenged to bring forth this love.

It is interesting to think about this inasmuch as one can think about it. If one is to think about it then one is to prepare oneself to access this love at a moment's notice. To access this love in every moment is the goal of perfection. When you can access love 100% all the time, you are living in accordance with the Father's will and you are getting closer in your relationship to that supreme trust that the Spirit of God Within seeks.

There is an example in the story of the Master's life............how the Master was able to live in the grace of love through his whole earth life, never falling from this grace and never stepping out of love.........even when He himself, after having been nailed to a wooden post and hung up to die, still found within His heart the capacity to ask God to forgive the one on the side of him who are also suffering and to forgive his persecutors, literally to forgive the human race. It was because the Master accessed love on a constant and continual basis that gave Him the ability to access the core of all situations. How many times did he approach a person, a complete stranger in love and was able to completely read within the heart of that person? You, my friends, can do the same things. You can read what you want to see or you can read what love has to show you and you find that many times these are two very different things. Test yourself this coming week. Consciously approach a situation from a stance of love and weigh your results against a situation that you approached from any other perspective and you will understand a little more of what I am saying.

I am not sure how I can help you access love, my sister (Lucille), but there is within you one who is capable and willing to help you access. What I can offer is to briefly reiterate what I have said. Love is not something that needs intellectual comprehension. Love is something that needs the ability of the human mind to allow the human heart to open. This could be a prayer, to as the Father/Mother God for strength, and courage and trust to open up that heart a little more, to lay away the fear which holds it. You will find that as you begin to practice and exercise this relationship between the heart and this divine love which seeks to attune your whole vibration. It seeks to attune and adjust the energy and vibration of wherever it's directed to begin to experience this real exchange through love you begin to trust. This is what is meant by putting your trust in God.

Thank you for allowing me to speak with you this evening. We will see you again.

Teacher Contact

JarEL: Greetings to you my friends, it is I teacher JarEL. It is good to have guests speak to and it is also again good to be here amongst you again. The last few meetings we had were spent in practice sessions which allowed you an opportunity to make teacher contact and to share orally with the group. I am very pleased with the attempts and the results and I would ask that you continue in your practice of stillness and in contacting the spiritual realms, the Thought Adjuster, the Spirit of Truth, your adjutant mind spirits and your teachers. At some point in these contacts, you may even begin to find out who you are.


Tonight we will continue our journey of personal spiritual transformation and I will talk a little about opening to the influence within the mind. Many times, you are not aware of how much influence you are being given. The evidence of this is that many times it takes coming to a place of doubt or confusion or maybe just a place where there is no where else to turn. At that point, when you look inward you begin to sense the influence. You begin to perceive the possibility of other choice. One of the wonderful aspects of being indwell by divine guidance is that you have another choice. Even when you have exhausted all of your choices, there is still God's choice, God's way. Not that God's way is any different from your way. What makes it different is the emphasis that God's way instructs you to use what you have, what you have been given, not solely for yourself, but to use these gifts, these tools, these opportunities which life have afforded you individually to begin to connect with the much greater reference around you, your brothers and sisters.

To those of you who come here, week after week to this so called teaching mission, to those of you who read the so call Urantia Book and who are involved in spiritual practices and spiritual studies.. . God has so called you forth to offer you a greater responsibility. A responsibility to change and grown yourself and to begin to forth these fruits in your daily relationships with others. For the most part, you are not asked to join a crusade, to sell everything you own, to relocate. For the most part, you are asked just to use what you have and how you are just around you. This is the least that is asked of you. It is asked in a way in which you are influenced by this. You begin to notice as you practice and as you begin to show forth to those around you these fruits of the spirit........you begin to access a greater and intimate influence through the divine presence. This is one of the keys to spiritual development. It is not totally a linear progression.......so that just sitting in meditation and contacting is not going transform you spiritually. It is the harmony which begins to show forth from how you live and how you act and what you practice which begins to develop into spiritual learning. It is this dimensional aspect.

These choices that you are faced with, these options. to live your life and give lip service to God within, or to really believe and trust in this God, to dedicate the life you are given, to learn to access and know this God, to become intimate friends with this presence within and begin to love those around you. You will find in many cases, that if you intend to love someone, you may eventually come to actually like them. This is not necessarily always a prerequisite. The challenge here is to allow love to transform you. Love alone. This was a pertinent and wonderful lesson by Thorson earlier about this transforming quality and nature of this love and accessing this love within. Love in also influence.

It not intentionally personally specific, but it is good that I am hitting close to home (in response to Mike's statement). This is part of the challenge of living a human life in the times in which you live in today. More and more, time is speeded up. There is not enough to take time to really do things correctly, so one is really challenged to take the time to do one or two things correctly than to haphazardly do three or four things. This is the difference that being rounded in a spiritual base begins to make in your life. It begins to give you a larger perspective of purpose. It show you in your relationship to time. The time you spend on earth and it shows you a much larger perspective of time that you will continue to grown and live and develop on the spiritual worlds to come when you leave this planet. From that perspective, it is not necessary to be in such a hurry. To be haphazard about how you do things. Make sure no matter what you are doing or how nondescript or simple it may be, that you take the time to do what you are doing correctly. Many of you take time to visit friends and acquaintances who are sick or are in the hospital. Many times, those of you in the group have been such situations have enjoyed the time that people took to come and visit. Making the time is also very important in doing a few more spiritual practices. In all of this, if you can hold love, you will really begin to benefit from this perspective.

If something appears in your life and you are not sure how to integrate this, what it means if you just take this situation and hold it in love it will begin to define itself a lot clearer to you. Love has an uncanny ability to show how something remotely impossible can actually be done. This is the challenge with the spiritual life and spiritual living is to take the remote possibility that you as a mortal human with this basic genetic make-up and these baser influences can actually begin to access and open to the divine presence and to begin to slowly transform and shift the emphasis from me to God, and to be able to take and hold forth this presence of love which is in your heart, you will begin to see things quite differently. Love has a way of making a black and white situation all of a sudden colorful, or to take a gray and dour situation and give it life.


This is all I am interested in saying to you this evening. In the coming weeks, find a situation that you challenge yourself to show forth love to this situation against what your mind is telling you, against what ever you are holding on to or what ever it is that you may feel, force yourself to open up to this situation with the intention of love and letting love make something of this situation.

I thank you Nell for the wonderful metaphor for it certainly is true. You are asked to do a lot. You are asked to use the resources that you have and what seems like a lot begins to shift once you fully begin to integrate the resource. The resource of the Thought Adjuster. The resource of the Spirit of Truth. The resource of the Adjutants, the resource of the angelic helpers, the resource of your own will and ability to make decisions. Yes, it is true, you are complex beings as pieced together from all of these different parts. Remember that no one person is ever tested beyond their capacity. Many times you are tests just to your capacity and if for no other reason for you to experience your capacity.

Thank you my friend (Mike) It is true that the change in the transformation in incremental and you are also correct that ever so slight incremental begins to open into much greater possibilities, to shift patterns of behavior, pattern of thought, patterns of modes of functioning that have become very familiar, maybe even a part of what you are identifying with. It is also interesting that as you begin to shift your focus and identity and begin to do just a little work, all of a sudden you begin to see results. It is hoped that as you begin to see these results that you begin to desire greater results. You will also notice you will begin to attract others because of who you are becoming.

Thank you. [[Category: JarEl