2002-05-12-Pura Vida

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Topic: Pura Vida

Group: Costa Rica TeaM


Teacher: Alana, Irivina

TR: S. Butterfield



Irivina : This is Irivina.

Nena : That’s true, Susie.

Irivina : Affirm the gift of healing in yourself. Use this opportunity to understand pain in a new way. This, beloved, is not to say to hurt yourself. No.

Nena : I understand.

Irivina : But to learn from this person whose heart is moving in the right direction, yes? (Michael arrives to give Nena a massage.)

Nena : I understand.

Interuption as Michael arrives. End of session.

Later in the afternoon:


David : Thank you, Alana. Thank you for your incredible watchcare of us. It occurs to me that we have helped create you, each of us, by the longing in our hearts for an experience of pure love on this planet. You have provided that. It is a pleasure to be in your presence. I feel the light of your presence as a form of love emanating from you.

Alana : Yes.

David : Hello. Good morning. Buenas Dias.

Alana : Yes. You have a phrase in the part of the world that you live in which says, the pure life! Yes?

Daivd : Yes. Pura Vida!

Alana : You understand, in the joyful use of this phrase that there is a transmission as love that is intended. This is the beautiful truth of the phrase, yes? And the joy of the phrase is in this spontaneous transmission of love, yes? And you do not nail down the phrase into a piece of parchment, and quiet the truth, yes? For you understand that the, shall we say, the lack of purity, or the humble errors of purity, are human, yes? And that the purity of love and joy is always the gift of God humbly sifted through the human experience, yes? (one moment please)

Breathing. Necessary to keep her feet on the ground, shall we say? (laughter)

So, Alana will respond to some of the questions and concerns brought to this table. (one moment)

First, understand the plea of the transmitter is for her time of understanding and opening to the love of the Father, yes, His comfort and care, yes, and the Grace of the Mother, yes. This I would have her know, yes, and this shall be so, yes. (one moment please)

Secondly, we are concerned, yes? Concerned to know the truth, yes? To keep that crystal on the point, yes? And this, my beloveds, is indeed your task, to discern the truth, when ever any one is sleeping, even yourselves, yes?

So, how to discern the truth? This is a question of concern to all who walk the path of love.

David : Exactly.

Alana : Yes, and you have heard Hakim say, “Trust in the fairness of love, even when it does not seem to be your turn.” Yes? So, we will blow love upon that, yes? The concern: is it my turn? (one moment please)

There is a concern that one’s responsibilities, or shall we say, management concerns, will not be understood correctly. Or that, the line of authority may become confused with (David chuckles) personality, or personal wishes, or the deceptions and betrayals and untruth that become understood to be real due to perspectives, failures in circuitry due to lapses of understanding, or temporary interruptions in the flow of love. My beloveds, trust in the presence of our Father and Mother, the reality of their love transmitted through the universe to you. Relax in the certainty of their love. Open your hearts. Open your minds. Allow, allow, allow love to enter, and with the flow of love coursing through your bodies, through your arms, out through your fingers, welcome, welcome, and embrace change. Welcome change with love. Do not fear. Do not doubt. Your heart room, our heart room, can be created anywhere if it is you will, and my will, combined, collaborating, co-creating, transmitting, giving, receiving, giving, receiving.

So, when that fear and doubt stands in the center of your mind and shout, blow love upon it, yes?

So, if your concern, or little problem, shall we say, is truly a gift as well. Today is mother’s day. A day of celebration of a mother, a daughter, a grandmother. They are far away. Blow love upon them. As well, the fathers, the sons, the grandfather, who is here today. You, Sir David.

The gift of forgiveness, the other side of love’s joy. The bridge of discipline. Like a beautiful garden scene, the discipline of love, walking the bridge of forgiveness, into the discipline of joy. A perfect balance of gardens and the living water of love. It has been so long understood, the necessity upon your planet to discipline the emotions of anger and war. Your strength, my friends, will be in learning the discipline of love, to hold that discipline high. To fine tune that discipline into reality on your world. Thank you.

Now, was there anything else?


David : Did you have anything, Nena?

Nena : No. I’m living the energy, breathing the energy. I love you, Alana.

Alana : Thank you.

David : Thank you for coming today again. I had a longing to hear your voice. I want to express my appreciation to our transmitter for this service she renders, particularly for Nena and I, around this table, by lending her voice, the timbre and love. I had the awareness as I listened that there is something that comes through her voice that is nutritive, satisfying for me. So I thank you, and I thank her. I am now looking forward to the meeting, to let our light shine, and may we learn another lesson in the humility of respect for love.