2007-01-07-Message for the Heart

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Topic: Message for the Heart

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Nebadonia

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



My child, the greetings of hopefulness for a Happy New Year are upon you! This is your Mother in Spirit; I am Nebadonia. My wish for you is to grow strong in your Father and me, and for you to gain more willingness in every fiber of your being to be united with us. The divine union that you seek is readily available to you the more you are able to be willing to let go fully into us. We are waiting to embrace you from head to toe.

We know your heart’s desire for Spirit, and we well know the resistances in your body that still impede the fulfillment of your desire. We know that in time your being will be completely accessible to Spirit, and then what JOY we will share as we unite as one.

Please allow my wish for you for this year to be yours as well. Know that I can move more mightily in you, removing the barriers in your mind that will open your being to more love than you have yet experienced. Feel your desire for this within yourself. Ask me to enhance the idea of ONENESS within your mind. Ask me to enlarge the awareness of the sensation for this in your body, and see what magic we can create together.