2009-04-19-Message for the Heart

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Topic: Message for the Heart

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



My beloved children, this is Michael. While I am your Spirit Father, I also am your human brother as I lived a life on your world as Jesus. Look to me for support and guidance when your own efforts and understanding fail you. I will share my mind with you and infuse you with a powerful energy that will stimulate your thoughts and move you in the right direction.

Your mind is so structured that you can allow the thoughts of others to influence you, especially so when your heart is open. In opening your heart to me, I can share with you the benefit of both my human life experience—how I handled situations of life that you are now encountering; and my divine guidance as your Spirit Father. I invite you to come to me more during the day that I may offer you assistance to lighten your load, carry your cares and concerns.

Trust is essential for you to know that it is safe to open your heart to me. Move beyond the wounded self of yesterday where memories of your human father and the fathers of prior generations may still be interfering with having a loving relationship with me. Move toward me in your heart and I will feed you with the faith necessary for trust to bloom between us.

As my child, I will share myself with you. I will feed your mind with creative ideas to consider about your life situations, and I will nurture your hearts to become strong and courageous to meet the challenges you face. You are not alone. NOW is the time to allow your Spirit Father to share in your adventure to help you enjoy this journey with more enthusiasm and appreciation.