2014-04-20-Message for the Heart

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Topic: Message for the Heart

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Nebadonia

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



My precious children, this is your Universe Mother. Many hearts are open this day to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. We delight with you in this celebration, and ask you to consider the human life He lived dedicated to following His Father’s WILL. The children of this world have long pondered what this means to do the Father’s WILL, and it has sparked many theologies, doctrines, rituals and no end of consternation within the human mind and heart.

Today, when you consider His life, let your thoughts be simple and direct. Jesus was dedicated to following His Father’s WILL because of his sublime trust in God’s LOVE for Him as a beloved Son. He experienced the fullness of this as a human, just as you can if you dare to live up to your potential. Jesus knew in his heart and soul that He was God’s child, entitled to receiving the divine embrace. He was able to live completely from that place of mind and heart.

In considering this today, ask within what does this mean for your life. What does your own indwelling Spirit of God require of you to follow His WILL? Only you can answer that, but know that because YOU are a beloved son and daughter of God that you are entitled to receive His divine embrace just as did Jesus. He showed the way to the Father, and in showing the way, He demonstrated how to follow God’s WILL.

Will you allow yourself to be shown? Will you open your heart to the presence of the Creator Within? Will you listen to the divine Inner Voice? Only then will you receive the guidance you need to follow the WILL of Spirit and learn each day how to live following the guidance that comes from Father’s LOVE. Then you will share in the experience of Jesus, and truly understand the joyful meaning of Easter.