2008-02-04-Catch-Twenty-Two Situation

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Topic: Catch-22 Situation

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Michael

TR: George Barnard



Michael: “I exhort you to be positive at all times. I would like for you to have that trust at all times. I desire for you to have faith in that your words will always be Mine. This is your Father/Brother Michael. We will converse about what is often referred to as a Catch-Twenty-Two Situation.

“You live your mortal life with the objective of moving away from the more animalistic side of the human being into a more ethical, a more spiritual, and a more moral and beautiful plane. To achieve this in your mortal life, in that relatively short mortal existence on one of My planets, can be a very tough, a very difficult task, with many barriers to break down, many tall hurdles to scale. Your mortal life is the most opportune prime-growth period of an existence into eternity.

“And yet, your mortal life with a beginning and an end is but one minute stepping stone towards a life that carries on forever and ever, which in itself is beyond your ability to fully comprehend. In many ways, on many occasions, and rather consistently throughout your earth life, you are confronted with what is the right thing to do, against what is the wrong thing to do, and every so often you find yourself in a Catch-Twenty-Two Situation.

“It is then that you must have the fullest confidence in deciding which is the lesser of two ‘evils,’ the least painful for self and others, the most advantageous for your spiritual welfare. For many of you it can mean the breaking off of a relationship, moving away to another place, indeed, even the undoing of the marriage vows you once made. There is the necessity to decide what it is that will progress you and others, opposite what it is that will set you all back. And you agonize, but you must decide on which will be the lesser of the two temporary tribulations. Once having decided, do not look back, but move forward, allowing yourself to progress.

“By virtue of His residing in time-space, even a Paradise Creator Son can find Himself confronted by a Catch-Twenty-Two Situation when there is no win/win, no win/lose, but only a lose/lose outcome. There were myriad minor, and three such major situations, yet only one that you are familiar with -- the Lucifer rebellion. Trust that in the instance of a rebellion your Paradise Creator Son is guided also. His personality will come into it, certainly, but at the same time, at some place you do not now understand, you cannot now comprehend there is the knowledge of the future, of all futures, and I was, as many before Me in other local universes, guided to make the right decision.

“Results reveal this as having been the right decision. For every individual, for every created child from former rebellious worlds, there are real tears wept when they, quite by themselves, decide to ‘go another way’ -- to create for themselves a dead-end road that ends in oblivion.

“There are from the normal worlds not a lesser number of those who decide not to carry on. There is, however, an enormous gain in the powerfully determined individuals that come from worlds such as yours, who have become and will continue to become the towers of strength of the new universes now forming.

“Again, My dear children, mark My words here: There are as many failures from normal worlds as there are from the former rebellious ones. But you, and you, and you, each individually, have the opportunity to rise to great heights of achievement, of receiving the well-earned respect of your elders, your Teachers, your siblings, and those who come after you.


“We conclude herewith our discourse on the subject that troubles many a mind. Take My loving care, and take My warmth and light, and share this with all you meet in this life. I am Michael.”

George: “Thank you Michael.”