2008-09-25-How To Manifest on This World

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Topic: How To Manifest On This World

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Thought Adjuster, Monjoronson

TR: Mark Rogers



Mark: I'd like to open with a prayer, but this is one that came across my desk on the internet today and I'm going to share it because it sounded good to me and it might sound good to you too. It is called the Lord's prayer, a translation from Aramaic or some [tradition] but it rings rather true.

Oh cosmic birther of all radiance and vibration, soften the ground of our being and carve out a space within us where we can abide. Fill us with your creativity so that we may be empowered to bear the fruits in accordance with our desire. Endow us with the wisdom to produce and share what each being needs to flourish. Untie the tangled threads of destiny that bind us as we release others from the entanglements of past mistakes. Do not let us be seduced by that which would divert us from our true purpose but illuminate the opportunities of the present moment for you are the ground and the fruitful vision, the birth, power and fulfillment as all is gathered and made whole once again.

Mark: This is Mark and I'm going to set the tone here with a little aha moment I had this morning on my meditation hike having to do with the power of the thought coupled with the act. It came to me regarding the thought, the word and the deed as a means of creation and manifestation, that what is really happening in that principle there, that for some reason made its way into my consciousness, is that we create when these things happen:

  • 1: When we engage in this process of having a creative thought which originates with us.[The Thought]
  • 2: When there is the interim step we utilize as I just did with this prayer to invoke these creative thoughts into our presence as words which then serve to focus our attention. [The Word]
  • 3: When the attention becomes focused we're then poised to add the last ingredient and that is to act in faith. [The Deed]

When these components line up together we are in fact taking command of our material realm because we are creating with the thought, we are projecting with the word and we're manifesting with the deed. It came to me that any of these ingredients or necessary components are or can be totally impotent if unaided by any of the other components; that is, a creative thought can simply stop within and end as a creative thought. Without the act to make it real it doesn't manifest and become real.

Likewise, words or deeds may be rote and meaningless if they are just repeated or utilized without creative thought, but by coupling creative thought and the manifestation of the deed we're engaging the two aspects of ourselves, our eternal, infinite, creative potential channeled down and through our material vehicles which them can manifest these ideals which we have and in so doing we bring spirit into the material realm. We do this of course all the time without the consciousness that this is precisely what we are doing but it dawned on me this morning how simple and profound the statement: first there was the thought, there was the word and then there was the deed.

We discussed and touched upon this before but somehow it had a new and deeper resonance with the critical aspect of combining these ingredients to bring to fruition anything, anything of significance I suppose. I thought I would share that and now turn right around and do it. So I have expressed to you all the ideal that we're able to bring this spirit connection even here and now in this moment, down. I have used words to make this ideal present in our environment that we may all join in to the ideal and then as we have become familiar in doing, we will simply add the deed, add the work and act in faith.

In combining these ingredients, we have all come to have some conviction that this universal principle is in fact regular and dependable to us. So it is even now. So now I would make a more detailed, further petition of a creative idea and that is to open this forum up to celestial personalities and even to that fragment of Divine Spirit that is attached to me which I refer to as my inner Voice. Once again, having had the thought, having spoken the word I now step forward to manifest the deed.


The Voice: And so it is and so it shall be, as a direct result of your command over this universe principle. I am here, this ones Voice, to offer you assurance that indeed this thought pattern is on the right track. You may put it to the test yourselves, anytime, every time and you will discover that it is universally true and that you are the originators of this creative potential. It begins with you and can be enhanced from on high, can be inspired from other sources, can be projected out as a vision or an ideal or even a dream and having been birthed as this original thought or idea it can be accepted, fostered, nurtured, and presented to others and if there is as well the final act of action to bring to completion this cycle of manifestation, then this universal principle that has been stated most certainly will hold true and the manifestation of thought and word through action will be made real in your experience.

This principle and this dynamic are just now being discovered by the family of man although this principle has been in play always, most of the time it was accessed by accident or incident but without much awareness or command over the causes and effects of such a principle. You who have been studying these concepts are gaining more and more command over your abilities to take this principle and use it thereby demonstrating your command over your awareness of this principle.

So having come to this point of awareness about how to manifest in your world, one should make every attempt to choose wisely those things that you would see as part of your manifestation or have as part of your future for this principle knows no limitation and will bring to you that which you don't want as easily and readily as that which you think that you do want. There is where it is important to have command over your mind and its tendency to follow erroneous thought patterns as easily as divine and inspired ones.

But this experience of a mortal of the realm is designed to bring you the awareness of this contrast. You have this wonderful mind which you may utilize to form thoughts, to focus intentions and to direct deeds. So what will you ask this accomplished mind of yours to do? Will it be always to choose your highest and best ideas, to foster and create and nurture and support or will you allow erroneous thought patterns to take you in alternate directions and to bring you things that you did not intend to create in your experience but you gave the same energy and intention to them inadvertently.

One of your greatest challenges as mortals in this dimension is certainly to harness the power that is your mind. You can suffer greatly at the hand of where your mind would take you which may act as a distraction to where your higher self would choose to go but you will be continually confronted with these contrasts so that you may be given repeated opportunities to choose and by repeatedly exercising your choice in any given direction, you reinforce this line of thought, this chain of thought pattern and it becomes easier and easier to revisit that and reconstruct it and bring it back into your experience.

So I encourage you to choose well which thought patterns you will reenforce and revisit. Are they helpful to you, are they your highest choice, are they simply habit, routine or distraction? It is good and well that you are learning of the power and potential of this universal principle of manifestation and as well it is good and well that you are learning of the significance of the direction of this manifestation and that is controlled by the choosing and the application of your mind.

It is greatly encouraging to see thought patterns such as these elevated into your levels of awareness for they may be fostered, encouraged and revisited as well. It is true, the more they are encouraged and revisited, the stronger they become and the easier it is to identify with them. They can literally crowd out the lesser thoughts and this is your key to changing your internal environment. Choose your highest thoughts and there is little or no room left for the material distractions, your negative thoughts, your doubts or your fears.

Simply choose truth, beauty and goodness, love and light and all of the negative counterparts to those things have no more room to exist. I know this sounds simple but I am aware of life in the trenches as a mortal on Urantia and I know that it may take an entire life of conditioning and trying and trying again before you are successful at mastering this servant of yours, this mind. Many times it may appear as though the roles are reversed and you have little to say about what your mind is doing to you, but I assure you, your mind is your servant, it is your tool, it is a component of your greater self and it can be brought under your jurisdiction and be made to serve your wishes every time and each time.

It is a great pleasure and privilege for me to be given this unique opportunity and this opportunity exists as a direct result of your powerful co-creative potentials. And so even in this hour we see once again the truth of this universal principle and we in these discussions seek ways to gain even more mastery over our interface with these universe principles. And so it is and so it shall be, ask and you shall receive. Another universal principle which we are seeing manifested right here, right now once again.

Thank you for granting me this opportunity and for granting yourselves this opportunity as well. It is an answer to your petition or as others would say, an answer to your prayers. I take my leave now to allow room for others in this forum, thank you.

Monjoronson: Greetings once again, I am Monjoronson here to foster this ideal, to promote this concept and with you, to act to bring about its manifestation. Certainly we join together in this process of creating this portal between us else it would not be so, so I work with you to activate this universe principle that has been discussed and bring about this manifestation of the moment.

I understand there was a question offered about the significance of the family of man growing to the point of awareness about their cosmic relationship to others who are "off world" from Urantia. It was stated that most of mankind is ignorant of this truth and there have been predictions that soon the veil will be lifted and it will be an incontrovertible observation that the family of man in fact does not reside alone in the universe. To those of you who have been engaged in these spiritual pursuits for some time, you have entertained these thought patterns before and somewhere within your own selves you have a feeling that you are not alone, that such a grand set of Divine Parents probably did not create simply you and this family and man throughout all the vast starry universes.

This feeling of being a part of something larger is certainly a valid one. You also may be aware if you have studied history on your world that there have been numerous civilizations and individuals who have reported being contacted by "off world" beings and have claimed interactions with them and an expansion of their awareness as a result of having had these encounters.

In fact these encounters have been going on on this planet for a very long time but we have never been in the age of mass media until now and these stories of encounters have echoed through the collective consciousness of mankind but have been suppressed and ignored because of the implications of such contact, because after it becomes part of your normal reality that you are in fact not only citizens of your continent, your country, your earth, but citizens of the cosmos as well, having other parts of your family existing in other parts of the universe created by the same Divine Parents, [that] you are all part of the same family but you, having been isolated here on this world have not properly been educated that this is so. But whether or not you are aware of this reality has no bearing on the fact of this reality.

Just because you do not understand the nature and layout of the vast cosmos has no bearing on the nature and reality of the vast cosmos. And so it is that you are now going to be exposed in a way that cannot be covered up, denied or misconstrued that indeed there are others from off your world who will arrive to make their presence known. It is not as though they have not existed until now but your consciousness and awareness has not been sufficient to allow for their existence until now. But the time has come as part of this Magisterial Mission for the veil to be lifted and for you to see in plain sight, clearly that there are material brothers and sisters who simply reside in other places of this universe but are nonetheless children of the First Source and Center as you are and in this way, your cosmic brothers and sisters.

In a way, this is like your current family discovering that they have relatives they didn't know in another country, on another continent. It's not that they weren't there and they weren't part of the family, it was simply that they may have been unknown until this point. But I assure you, very shortly there will be no room for doubt because this is part of the creation of this new circuitry which allows for this communication, which allows for this awareness and permits many many who have volunteered to be of service to your world because they already are aware that you are their brothers and sisters.

They would offer to serve to bring you out of this unawareness and bring you into the fold of the greater family. No longer will you see yourselves as divided by borders, nations, currencies, leaders, where you will be earthly citizens now in relationship to a greater cosmic family and this quantum leap in your awareness is what is currently to transpire. I speak plainly and with authority about this as a direct result of your seeking and as a response to your finding for you have formulated these thoughts, you have commanded your mind to go down this thought pattern, you are sincere in your desires to know, you put forth your inquiry with intention and sincerity and then you can expect that the principle will be enacted and you will be brought an answer to your petition, you will find that which you seek.

It may not be as you envision or expect or would like but there is always a response to your petition. I encourage you all, when these events begin to occur to be islands of stability to all those around you who will not understand that this is the coming together of the greater family. They will be shaken when the veil is lifted and they see that they are literally surrounded by volunteers, friends, family. I encourage you each one to stand firm in your awareness that these are as you are, children of the same First Source and Center, seekers and finders, peace loving individuals as yourselves whose only desire is to act in service on your behalf and on behalf of all the family of man who have been so isolated as to not know their connection to the greater family.

So to the degree that it is possible, bring joy to this equation, bring gratitude and thanks for indeed the cavalry is riding over the hill. They come to lift you up, to remind you of the great co-creative beings that you are, to demonstrate that there is a vast universe to which you are connected and to manifest their ideals of service to bring you this awareness. To that end I would invite you to join me in an expression of gratitude for all that is.

Divine Parents, First Source and Center, we are so very grateful for the many many ways that you provide for all of us, that you bring all that we need to this life in so many ways that we marvel at all the different techniques and approaches and styles that are part of this endowment of your grace. Let us receive them with joy and with peace and with love for they are your gifts to us, each one. Let us see them as such and embrace them as having been gifted to us by you. You bring so much help from outside and as well you furnish help from the inside so that we are not only surrounded by your grace without, we are nourished by your grace from within.

Let us relax into your peace and embrace this grace. Help us to be creative in our manifestations and to choose wisely in our projections and in everything we do, may it be pleasing in your sight, this represents our greatest petition. We are certain that you hear this petition and will help us in every way possible to manifest this. Thank you for these thoughts, these words and these deeds in this hour and in the hours to come. May we follow your lead and embrace your inspiration and make it so even as we manifest in the material plane. Thank you for all we receive, we would offer in return our intention to follow you and to be pleasing in your sight in all that we would do. This is ours to give and we offer it freely, please accept it as we would accept your grace. Let is be so.


I see we have been served much at this banquet this evening and there is much on our plates that we must digest and I will take my leave at this time to allow for this to settle in and nourish every cell of your being. Thank you for furnishing this forum and this opportunity we have shared in this moment. I cherish it and I perceive you do as well. Let us now bask in the glow of our intentions having become real in this moment, farewell.