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Middle English, from Medieval Latin transparent-, transparens, present participle of transparēre to show through, from Latin trans- + parēre to show oneself

For lessons on the topic of Transparency, follow this link.


  • 1 a (1) : having the property of transmitting light without appreciable scattering so that bodies lying beyond are seen clearly : pellucid (2) : allowing the passage of a specified form of radiation (as X-rays or ultraviolet light)
b : fine or sheer enough to be seen through : diaphanous

2 a : free from pretense or deceit : frank

b : easily detected or seen through : obvious
c : readily understood
d : characterized by visibility or accessibility of information especially concerning business


Openness is the quality of being open. It sometimes refers to a very general philosophical position from which some individuals and organizations operate, often highlighted by a decision-making process recognizing communal management by distributed stakeholders (users/producers/contributors) rather than a centralized authority (owners, experts, boards of directors, etc.)

See Also
