2004-10-30-You Have Found Me

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Topic: You Have Found Me

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Thought Adjuster

TR: Rebecca


  • October 30, 2004
  • Subjects: "You Have Found Me." and "Turn More Toward Him."
  • Received by Rebecca.


"I am your Thought Adjuster. Let go of your fears, my dear one. There is love available from within, from without, and from all around. It is not just anywhere, but everywhere.

"Do not feed your self on a diet of anger and distress because of those who give you problems. Rejoice instead in the Creator God of all that exists before you in the universe, and pray. Rejoice in the beauty of Creation that surrounds you, and let dark shadows pass you by.

"Do not worry so, but go back in time and care for the little child within that was not considered worthy of love. Be patient even so, and treat all with love, for to heal all souls simultaneously benefits all.

"This is the way to find Peace in the Creator Father, and Peace in the beauty of all Creation. Do not harbor doubts about being good enough, for this is not your concern, but Mine alone. You are a servant of the Creator, and it is good.

"This advice comes down to you from all eternity. The admonitions are forever from eternity. This is a happy day, because you have found your Thought Adjuster. Let us rejoice. Let us celebrate. Now rest."

Session 2

  • October 31, 2004.


"You know full well that situations can be changed through prayer, in the blink of an eye, and with a snap of the fingers. An unacceptable set of circumstances can change, like the shift of a prism seen from a new angle, for that which is wished for has, potentially, been present all along. You must pray more, and phalanxes of angels will come to help you. Turn it over to our help.

"Human, you must take care of your body. Please know that the work will not get done any faster, or any better by your being anxious about it, and by elevating your stress hormones and adrenalines. It is good, however, that in the midst of your busy life you still find time for your spiritual life.

"The merit of doing this, when it is difficult to do, is ten times greater than doing it when it is easy to do. God loves you. God loves you. Know that more deeply, and all will be well, for you will be at peace. Your unhappiness is the cause of important teachings coming through. Let God’s Will be done. Let God’s Will be done. Now write more.

"Fear not the intrusions. They are nothing. The angels make light of them and gather round. Their "wings brush away" all interferences and dirt. They don’t mind a little sweeping clean, so, rejoice at being favored with their watch-care, as all humans can be favored with their care.

"Do not try to solve the things that make you unhappy by reasoning about them, or by trying to fix them, but trust in the Creator, and turn more toward Him. The solutions come from Him. Good night, or good morning, but rather, Adieu."

Session 3

  • The Goal of Finding the All That Is.


Dear one, when something disturbs your mind, and you feel it in your heart, then this is a sure sign that you need to come to me to fine-tune your listening skills and have this matter sorted out.

I am the only Source of true spirit-communication, and no one else is. There is truly no need for you to go to a mortal spirit-communicator when you have Me to Guide you. Why should you take a byway that may be filled with pitfalls of superstition and or ego-satisfaction, when you can have a pure direct line to Me?

I have come from the Source of Spirit to indwell you. I give you the experience of Joy, of Wonder, of Healing, and I lead you towards synchronization and equilibrium within yourself, and I give you continuing soul-growth.

All you need to do to receive is to keep open your end of the line of communication, and you shall be filled at God’s own chosen convenience. Seek first to do the will of God and all these things will become clear in time, which is only one segment of eternity; the loom on which each worthwhile learning experience is woven.

Due to the experiences of your own making, you will see light and dark in your tapestry of life. Try to see your mortal life as the foundation of eternal life, which it truly is. Yet, few are there who have come to that realization, and still believe that this terrestrial life is all there is.

Train yourself at acquiring the long-range vision of the goal of finding the All That Is on Paradise, the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end of everything.

A very long but wonderful road lies ahead for each creature that decides to worship its Maker, and then discovers how the Love of God sustains everything in His endless creation.

Session 4

  • October 31, 2004.
  • You Have Shown Yourself To Be Willing.


Dear one, let us discuss the birth, progress and growth of the soul, so you might gain a better understanding. Your soul is merely an embryo at the beginning of mortal life. It becomes your personal counterpart in eternal life.

It is a living entity that has a double origin—divine and human, both. You, in this life, are the human partner, and I, a Fragment of the Eternal God, am the Divine Partner.

Together we nourish this new entity, in which we shall both, ultimately, become as one. Then, no one will ever be able to tell where you leave off and where I begin, because our essences will have completely fused into each other.

You have a personality, given to you by God at birth, I am pre-personal, you are human and I am divine. You share your personality with Me, and I share My divinity with you. Are you clear on this?

So what we are about, together, is the birth of your soul, which happened when you, as a young child made your first independent moral decision. At that moment you became a little person with a potential eternity status. At that very moment I came to indwell you, as you showed great promise for growth, and so your soul was born.

Over time, a quickening has occurred, because you have earnestly searched for ways to do God’s will, not knowing that it was I who meanwhile kept prompting you, as you did not know about my existence in you.

Unconsciously you have been listening to My leadings, and you have shown yourself to be willing to become more unselfish towards others.

Any good intention, thought, or action on your part, brings us closer together to nurture our soul in unison.

Session 5

  • The Scribe (Sananda)
  • Cheshire, UK, October 25, 2004.
  • Subject: "I am Sananda."
  • Received by Helen Whitworth.


The Scribe: "I am one you call The Scribe. The knowledge of humanity is held within a vast construct, a matrix of energy, which records all information, past, present, and future, as you see it within your perception of time illusion.

"Each moment of "the now" is faithfully recorded, and the information is used to assess probabilities, to find the best way of implementing an individual’s prayers, and to assist humanity on its path, as well as to assist the celestials in finding those most suitable for their work. All attributes of humans as personalities are recorded—their knowledge, their willingness to learn, their sense of the divine, and their flexibility, amongst other things.

"Each human is given a task according to abilities and according to a willingness to perform the tasks that he or she is conscious of. All humans, though, are given work, whilst many are not aware of the work that they pursue. However, purely by their subconscious, they are often led into situations where their presence is pivotal, or where their words will ‘awaken’ in another some information that is required.

"All humans are within service of the One. Those who choose willingly to stand in service, with full knowledge of what they are saying or doing, are the flag-bearers of your nations. Those individuals we can use in many situations where we dare not use an unaware human, who might default in his or her task, and through inappropriate use of free will at a particular point in time.

"This may of course happen with flag-bearers, also, but it is far less likely, and even if a variant is made from the original path, those who are aware and listening to their own guidance will be working from a direction that still enables the grand plan to continue.

"During these changes there are vast amounts of work to be done, and, as we are busy awakening as many humans as possible, this puts a huge amount of work on a small number of people at this point in time. Those of you who are affected by this, please, be aware that this is a temporary situation while others are being trained.

"Shortly, amongst your ranks, there will be many more who will be able to take upon themselves more specialized work, and work for which we are only able to assign those who are awakened. At that point your work will become less frantic and you will all be able to settle within the line of work most pleasing to yourselves. For when you are truly happy this is when you work best.

"We do appreciate the service you give us, and the service that you have already given throughout this life, throughout past life and throughout future life, within all aspects of yourselves, as living, breathing manifestations of the Godhead.

"In addition, the records are constantly updated and we only keep that which is of importance, for when you change, remember you change all of you. Your sense of time being as limited as it is, you are not able to see this at this point in time, but by changing your current thoughts and attitudes you change what you see and your past and your future also. So do not worry about your mistakes being of record for all time, since "all time" is not as you see it. When you change the patterns, you change the records.

"We care primarily about your successes, not about your failures, and we honour you for the hard work in difficult times that you see yourselves through. The rewards are great, both within this reality and within future realities, and the home many of you seek will be available to you more and more as you progress. In actuality you have never been away and All that Is, is at your fingertips as Children of God and as living, breathing manifestations of God.

"Those that assist you do so willingly, in love and in service, for among humanity there remains one of the few places where it has not yet dawned on each member that Service is ‘the greatest place to be’.

"Is it not when you assist another that the feeling of love comes closest in your heart?

"This is because in assisting another, you work with part of your God-self, and this connection to your God-self works through the physical organ you know as the heart. In actuality it is All of yourself. The only part which exists, as the rest of your body, and the rest of your energetic bodies that stretch from this point are just perceptions of reality, spread from the central core to more fully experience how else things may be.

"In a moment of "now", you can be All that Is, whilst in another you may forget. Soon the time will come when in each moment of "now" you will see your place Within All that Is, and then much will become clear. For the moment, rest in trust, rest in peace and in love, and allow us to lead you through the darkness and into the light.

"Your own Thought Adjuster is with you for all time and is a source of guidance to you when you are aware and when you are not aware. It is through this medium we use you in service, and this is how those who are not aware can still be used in such a way. Become friends, for He is truly your reality (identity). And "the you that you know" is little more than an illusion.

"Breathe now deeply and feel the presence of your God-self, that is All That You Are."

Helen: "If a Thought Adjuster is all that we are in reality, then The Scribe must be an Ascended Master."

The Scribe: "Yes."

Helen: "Which Ascended Master (are you)?"

The Scribe: "(I am) Sananda."

Helen: "How does Sananda relate to Jesus?"

The Scribe: "I am the highest aspect of the being you knew as Jesus that is able to be directly in communication with a human mind that is not ascended at this point in time."


  • A Word About Who Is Sananda
  • From: George Barnard

Hello dear . . . ,

You wrote: <<< I believe it will help Helen to inquire about whether the one who was speaking is actually the Personalized Adjuster of Jesus. This will take things out of the abstract realm of this voice being an "aspect" and into something more real and solid. That's just my take, of course. . . >>>

Like Angela, Rebecca and Mechelle, Helen W. is not a UBook reader. These four are simply gifted to become channelers, or are already channelers, and they meet up with Gorman, Andréa, Mathew, Bzutu, or Simone. . . then they find us. That's about the way it happens, but it varies somewhat.

Judy Nyland, Ron Besser, Sandy Montee and I knew "The Scribe" to be Jesus' earth life's TA since about late 2002 or early 2003, I think. We just preferred not to say anything or make any claims.

God bless....