2004-11-29-The Game Of Life
Topic: The Game of Life
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Helen Whitworth
Monjoronson: "When you are born into this world you find yourself naked and alone, and divorced from all you know and comprehend. The journey of your life is to piece together that from which you came, that which you are, and that which you will become.
"There are veils around you in all ways, forging a barrier between you and your true Divine Self, between you and your colleagues, and between you and your own sense of the reality that sits beneath that which you perceive; yet with care, effort and love within your heart, you start to chip away at those veils to discover yourself and the wondrous entities that share their worlds with you, forging the veil into a new structure, no longer a barrier but a device to allow you the wonder of experience life fully on earth.
"Do not be distressed by your apparent separation from that which you feel as home, but instead delight in the glory of all that is on Earth, which you are unable to experience in any other place within this universe. If you saw already what the true nature of reality was then you would be stripped of the wondrous motion towards perfection and of the childlike delight formed when discovering that which is new to your perceptions.
"Think of this life as a game, a game in which there are no losers and many, many different paths to the final stage. It’s a game of exploration, of fun, of joy and of sorrow, and like all good games it would not be exciting without fear, apprehension and anxiety at times.
"These moments help to stand you in good stead for a future as Divine Being, to empathize and understand those still encompassed within the lowest planes of the ascendant mortals.
"Know every move has been calculated and its potential assessed, though it remains your own will, which dictates which potential is followed. We delight in progressing our paths alongside you, watching the way you tackle emergency and trauma, and comforting you when it all becomes too much.
"Know that your efforts, always valiant are noted and recorded and when the time comes to look back on your lessons you will often see that those which form the greatest part of your ‘learnings’ are the ones that passed unnoticed within your own times.
"In all that you are and all that you can be, you are perfected beings finding the way of will in a world of dichotomy and inconsistency. Each turn you take is a marvel and part of God’s plan to experience how life becomes itself when separated from all that it already knows.
"Feed from the light of the sun, find sustenance in your communion with others, and look to the heavens for inspiration and fortitude. We are by you side and we will never leave you until your journey on this plane is through.
"By the morning, all will be clear."