2005-04-12-Changes In The Air
Topic: Changes In The Air
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Helen Whitworth
Thought Adjuster: "I bid you welcome, and ask you not to concern yourself with the subtleties of what, why and when. There is much change in the air, and it is mainly this, which distracts you, makes you doubt your purpose, your knowledge, and your trust.
"These changes are of course unsettling, and they are being felt by many who work with the realm of spirit more tangibly perhaps, than those who are unaware of their celestial brethren, although, be assured that they too feel the changes at a subconscious or cellular level.
"The world is in a place of uncertainty at this time. It is on a pivot point between two ways of thinking, yet unlike the pivot that is fully balanced and at rest, this balance is a momentary point during motion as forces upon either side pull with equal force. This state cannot endure for many moons, since within this balance there is instability. Things cannot remain as they have been. And it is this, which you feel within yourself, alongside the uncertainty of how we progress from now.
"There is a new future in front of you, and this has been the case at all times, in all nows, but shortly no part of the old ways of understanding and of experiencing will be available. Many of the methods, which the more open and aware have used over centuries and millennia, will become unreliable, and will no longer produce results that are expected from learnt tradition.
"This is not to say these methods have no use, merely that they must be re-evaluated in combination with the knowledge held within each and every one of you, within your own hearts, in order to be of use.
"The shift in energies is subtle, but this lack of stability, this lack of ability to rely upon tried and trusted methods, will cause confusion for many, especially as it forces you all to re-evaluate what is truly in your heart, and to find those areas of life within, which you have swapped; one illusion for another.
"These illusions can no longer continue. And this means that methods, that beliefs, that ways of thinking, which have proved useful within spiritual endeavor in the past times, may now provide hurdles of understanding. It is best therefore to lay aside that you think you know, all that you believe you know, and instead learn only to feel, and to use that feeling as the basis for your comprehension, and for your intellectual understanding of yourself and of the world around you.
"This will not be easy as it requires each of you to look fully within yourself, to admit your flaws, and to cast away cherished ideas and methods which have become dear to you.
"There are some methods that will retain their usefulness. These are those, which have always spun from the heart and from the Master within. Techniques of stillness, as extending your energetic structures to feel all that, which is around you; the allowance of internal guidance, all methods, which you have practiced, and which rely upon this internal truth, will still continue to be of use, as they are flexible enough to bend with the changes.
"Be tolerant of yourselves as you go through this new learning, just as you would be tolerant of a child that has for the first time been introduced to the world of the alphabet or of mathematical thinking. Do not assume you must grasp this new knowledge in one moment. Allow yourself time for integration, and do not berate yourself unduly for lack of comprehension, whilst allowing that lack of comprehension to be a catalyst for change within your own self.
"Many people will be confused at this point in time, and many more will become confused as these changes become more apparent upon the shell of this earth. It may take some time for the changes to become apparent to those who have never looked within themselves for spiritual sustenance. However, they, too, will feel it, as each human is part of humanity, and it is humanity as a whole that undergoes these changes at this point in time. "
Orkney Islands, UK, April 12, 2005.