2005-08-19-The Endless Mountains
Topic: The Endless Mountains
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Helen Whitworth
Session 1
- Norfolk, UK, August 19, 2005.
- Thought Adjuster.
- Subject: "The Endless Mountains."
Thought Adjuster: "We bid you welcome and are happy to be here once again as we form a celestial human partnership to bring messages of joy and hope to the world. It has been some weeks since we last created true cooperation between our beings but know that whilst you have felt our lack, the time passed is but a twinkling in the eye of the Divine.
"Much has changed for you as a human. You have found truths within your soul that have hurt you deeply and allowed you to feel the pain of ages and of some of the remaining issues with which you must be concerned as an evolving being. Such times are never easy, but know they are most certainly for good reason, and it is necessary for all beings at various points along their evolutionary paths to experience such times as they release and identify old patterns of behaviour which are no longer sustainable within the all loving sight of the Lord.
"It is a time of change for many, a time where uncertainty may appear to override all thoughts of light and of love, where it is difficult to hold their flame steady within the face of seeming unbeatable odds, but know that whenever this occurs to you, as an individual or as a humanity, it is because you have finally found enough grace, will, and knowledge deep within yourselves to face these challenges and overcome them with determination.
"The tide is turning. Once these big stumbling blocks that have held you in their sway over so many, many years dissolve, you may feel as if you are left with nothing. And indeed you are, for the structure of your reality cannot remain untouched by such events which shake you to your foundation, but know that the structures which once served are no longer relevant within your evolving beings, and that in order for you to perceive reality you must first destroy that vision of life which you held as true for so very long. For many, as for yourself this comes in the form of finally letting go of thoughts of unworthiness, of doubt in your own abilities, and of doubt in yourself as a fully manifest being of Divine inner nature.
"It is hard at times when you see your flaws to believe this can be so, but know that it is, and that the identification of such flaws is soon followed by their elimination. This however is a continuous process. Each hurdle a mountain that appears unbeatable, yet somehow, sturdily, with that strength of being human, you surmount each obstacle and stand with breathtaking awe upon the top, then cry in despair as you spot the next mountain across your path.
"This continues all the way to the point of reunion with the Father, yet as you become accustomed to such ways then rather than despondency, you merely sit a while at the top of these mountains, take a gasp at its breathtaking beauty, and then feel joy and excitement at the thought of yet greater heights to scale.
"In all times, dark, bleak, or joyous and love-filled, know that we are with you. Even, as recently, when you cannot seem to form a lasting connection with us, your guidance factors, but know that we are always there waiting to hold your hand, smiling gently at you as you falter and steadying you upon your path in whatever way we are able. We are with you every step of the way but it is you that must make the steps. These we cannot perform for you, for only by walking each foot of the way can you truly claim the knowledge learned as your own.
"And so we salute you, dear one, for coming to the surface once more, for joining with us in celebration of the Divine, and for facing your doubts and fears to once again know a little more of your nature as a child of God.
"We love you and honour you, and it is pleasure indeed to be assigned to accompany you on this task. I love you deeply and can feel from your response to this message that your desire to know me more fully as your own divine spark wells from deep within your heart. We are together for eternity and I hold you safe as a mother holds her child, wishing both to protect and to allow you the freedom to find your own beautiful way in accordance with my direction. I Am You and You Are Me. Together we shall scale those mountains.
"I AM (your Thought Adjuster) and with me are many of your celestial friends and allies all cheering your reemergence from the place of darkness."
Session 2
- Be Willing to Become the Servant of All.
- A Thought Adjuster Speaks
- June 19, 2004.
Dear one, it is a long road towards perfection on Paradise. Many levels intervene, many hurdles will need to be overcome, and many lessons need to learned. All your human and animal vestiges will then have been eradicated through your personal choices and decisions.
Yours is a journey into Glory, of which I cannot even begin to tell you, as you simply lack the capacity for understanding. There exists no human language with which to describe heaven’s music, heaven’s colors and heaven’s atmospheric energies and conditions. These all need to be experienced.
Even now it is impossible for Me to place visualization in your mind, because your mind is so incredibly limited compared to what it will be in future ages. By your hunger and willingness, you will within yourself open doors of which you did not even know the existence. But this ability needs a fertile soil of preparation, and a willingness to trust in this process of development.
Grow in faith, live day by day like a tadpole, and some day you shall leap like a frog. Meanwhile, your work is right in the trenches for you to ultimately become what I am describing to you: A perfected being.
Do not worry about having to come back to this planet for more sorrow and grief, for these shores will have been left behind by the dissolution of mortal flesh, and your resurrection into a morontia body, which will serve you until you have earned your beginning-spirit status.
God’s Kingdom is about progress, and there are uncountable lessons and experiences awaiting on the Mansion Worlds and beyond for all believing and trusting souls. Meanwhile, your great lesson lies in the skill of mastering negative habits and faulty character traits.
With every advance you will be expected to exhibit more of the fruits of the spirit in loving service.
He or she, who would become the greatest, must be willing to become the servant of all.
Session 3
- The Blueprint and Working Plans for Your Eternal Life.
- A Thought Adjuster Speaks
- June 21, 2004.
Dear one let us mull over how it is that life itself gives you the experience of increasing understanding. The Father wills that life is a continual learning to live in increasing joy, and to gain peace beyond understanding. This garnering of experiential knowledge leads to wisdom, which is uniquely your own.
There is no mirror counterpart of you or anyone else anywhere in the ever-expanding totality of creation. God the Creator is completely unlimited and experiences Himself as He divests Himself of tiny God Fragments to give to each of the mortal children of time in space.
I am simplifying this explanation, so you can begin to understand how this great mystery is truly a reality. In truth and fact, these Divine Entities the Father divests Himself of, go through a lengthy training program on Divinington, one of the sacred spheres surrounding Paradise.
The Fragments are pre-personal beings that gain their personality from the mortal child they indwell. When the mortal chooses eternal life, he or she gains divinity from of the pre-personal Spark that lives within, and endeavors to lead this human child God-ward. This is the case on this planet, which functioned as a bestowal planet for one of the Creator Sons of God, your Master Jesus.
This God-Spark never drives, but always leads if the mortal should be so willing to wholeheartedly follow. At first it is an unconscious choice on the part of the creature to do good, rather then bad.
It is an age-long process, and especially on this planet, which is beset by darkness due to the Lucifer Rebellion of long ago. Actually it is quite a feat on the part of the mortal, to discover this Pilot Light within, and then to willingly choose to do the Will of God on the path to Paradise. From this planet as a starting point, the journey is not exactly ‘a bed of roses.’ Indeed it is not, as much remedial learning needs to occur.
This God Fragment carries the blueprint and working plans for your eternal life within Itself, and knows the beginning and the end.
Together as one, we, too, will fill in the pieces of the puzzle that is the mystery of life with increasing insights and understanding on your part, and through the practice of the fruits of the spirit.
It is I, who speaks to you now. Sit a while and ponder these things.
Session 4
- Norfolk, UK, August 19, 2005.
- Thought Adjuster.
- Subject: "The Endless Mountains."
Dear one, it is an incredible moment in a creature’s life, when the true reality dawns on her or him that I Am with each of you, at all times, and that you can call on Me at any time you have a need. I prefer that you call on Me when there is no need, and when you simply desire My Companionship.
Even a true friend cannot be permanently at your beck and call. Is it not a true blessing and of great satisfaction to really, really comprehend that such a Friend and Companion lives right inside you? Just ponder this for a moment if you will, for slowly, very slowly, I Am leading you towards that deeper awareness of Me, depending of course on your willingness and trust in this process.
There is truly nothing to fear, but fear itself. Banish fear at all cost, and what you will have left is pure untainted Love—a Love so great that it sweeps through every cell of your being and quickens these cells into greater ability to heal.
This is the ultimate in self-healing. Use your careful self-observation and see where you still hold fear in your body, and invite Me to go into all these places, which are painful due to the fears you hold.
Allow the Holy Spirit to soften all those places, so My Love can go deeper and deeper, and bring about healing at the highest possible plane.
Your spiritual life is meant to triumph over the physical, but this can only occur when you allow this to happen, and when you are willing to work towards this. It is done through giving yourself more time to come to Me in the Stillness, so we can work on this together, and as I lead you deeper into yourself.
My Spirit shall ultimately triumph, no matter how long this process may take.