2005-11-12-Rest In Me

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Topic: Rest In Me

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Thought Adjuster

TR: Sunday Rain, Helen Whitworth

Session 1


I Am: "Come and know I am real. Listen to your heart’s beating at the awareness of Me. I bring to you a lesson on discovery. Open your eyes, and feel me here. Now, let me in.


"All that I Am, I give to you. I fill your heart with joy every time you stop, believe, and let me in. I bless your soul with peace in this most quiet moment.

"Discovery is a moment without words or thoughts. I Am indefinable. All is joy, all is love, all is one. Let your worries go, let your heartaches dissolve within my womb. Be not afraid to let it go. Life’s tragedies, your fears of the unknown tomorrows, and all the strings tied like knots around your soul, untie them and let them go. I Am here. I’ll always be here, trust me.

"Through storm and cold, through weeping sorrow, through sun filled days of yellow blossoms, through all of time, from here to tomorrow.


"Rest in me…"

Session 2

North Yorkshire, November 13, 2005. Divine Self (Thought Adjuster). Subject: "The Old Ways."


Divine Self: "Many words of untruth have been spoken of the old ways. Untruths repeated so often that they have gathered in strength and gained a life of their own for those who do not wish to question deeper.


"There is no evil that walks this land, no Devil, though the choice of humanity to see it as such has made it as if it were so. The veils have become deeper and tighter, fed by the willing masses who wish only to be told by others of some Universal Truth, and to find redemption within one easy step. Yet the veil has served another purpose too, for it has kept safe that which would have been molested and ripped asunder had the treasures behind it been clear for all to see.

"Now, at last, the veil begins to thin once more, and people of all nations begin to accept matters that would have been unthinkable in years past, as man’s illusion of fear begins to lose its grip, and more individuals look to their own hearts truth to find their way.

"You see it in revival of old traditions, of Earth-based practices, and medicine. You see it in the willingness of the ‘pious’ to find their own direct connection with the Divine, and you see it in the mass acceptance of beings of light—the angelic realm.

"There is still much to be done, and many misunderstandings to be removed, following so many years under the thrall of power, maintained only by the willingness of individuals to give away their own personal power to whoever talked the rhetoric with the greatest eloquence. And this is all supported by the world truly reaching out to itself. Modern technology has made this possible and should not be scorned; it is no longer possible for information to be hidden and made as if non-existent, within such a structure."

Session 3

North Yorkshire, UK, November 15, 2005. Divine Self (Thought Adjuster). Subject: "Dances of Realities."


Divine Self: "If you allow yourself to write, then I shall dictate.


"Within the Winds of the West are the remnants of memory. In the Winds of the East, hints of that (which is) to come. The essence of each is tangible, yet insubstantial. So it is with much of this world. Threads and patterns weaving and unweaving in each moment, in each place, in each person and each pattern; each web dancing and commingling with others, then breaking away and moving to flirt with another.

"This never ending dance is the energetic reality of your lives, as each being perceives their own complete universe that differs, yet has much in common with that of others. And those in turn interplay with the delicious dancings of time and layers of energetic meaning, such as carried upon the Winds.

"Do you see in your mind’s eye the awe-inspiring beauty of such a truth—a kaleidoscope chaos of structure and form, forever playing the melodic patterns that weave the Universe.

"Just considering the effect of this upon your world is staggering to you; unimaginable to consider the worlds beyond. Yet this is how we in Spirit see your world and all of the manifest reality born from the Father/Mother/Son totality.

"And how We rejoice, Us, your Divine Counterparts, when even one of you truly experiences a segment of this dance, for the knowledge of that experience then becomes available to all of Us, to teach to each of you, through the blessing of the wonderful system of the library of human consciousness and understanding known in some places as the Akasha.

"You do your best to imagine what these energetic dances of reality structure look like, to feel their truth. And it astounds you, seeing only what your imagination is capable of producing at this moment. I tell you, the truth is so far beyond that imagination. Yet whilst it is beyond you ‘Now’, it has not always been nor will it always be.

"Allow the dance to continue until your own patterned web aligns with that of the reality of which we speak, and you shall directly perceive that truth once more.

"In the meantime, please cease your ponderings and questionings, attempting to find the patterns in your life and to confine it to a rigid system of cause and effect.

"When you, in due time, perceive its reality, you will truly see how pointless such intellectual exercise is. Leave your mathematical machinations to things worthy of thought—your own nature of Be-ing, the nature of Divine, and the advance of loving knowledge and understanding. All else is idle (mind) gossip.


"Yes, The Scribe is here with me, and Yes, you may also infer correctly on the amount of co-operation between all ‘TA’ presences."

Session 4

North Yorkshire, December 1, 2005. Divine Self (Thought Adjuster). Subject: "Disturbances."


Divine Self: "There are times when ‘disturbances in the field’ are messages from the unknown, a weakened spot in the veil through which you may easily slip. There are times that they are pokings and proddings from interested non-physical entities, and there are times when they point to imbalance within your own centre.


"At such times, spend a moment being still to allow the reason to surface. Today’s such incident was to draw your attention to the land, by breaking your connection with it. Normal methods of finding your ground did not work because you had a fixed idea of where that level lay, when in truth only a few yards from your door this special place is imbued with spirit that raises the background far above that which is expected.

"The lady was waiting to greet you, as you realised after quite some time. She has been waiting to greet you awhile, and the disconnected should also serve to remind you that as you walk in nature, you are there only by invitation and acceptance of the landscape.


"Go to her this night, the Lady of the Dales, and find of the weavings that bring you here time and time again. Sit now in Her love and in Mine, and have peace within your heart."

Session 5

North Yorkshire, UK, December 14, 2005. Divine Self (Thought Adjuster). Subject: "Challenges." Received by Helen Whitworth.


Divine Self: "It does you good to challenge yourself also—to ensure that you are not guilty of clinging to the known and refusing to explore ‘the other’. Do this little by little. It is not always good to tackle all at once, or you may indulge in doubt on all things beyond the point of usefulness.


"Remember instead that in each moment there is a truth, and concentrate your focus upon this moments truth, not concerning yourself with last week’s truth, or next week’s either.

"And when you find yourself floundering, splashing around in the water, trying desperately to find anything solid to hold onto as a truth, remember that there is no such solidity in truth, and that you will find your stability most easily by ceasing your thrashing arms, coming to rest, opening your heart to be-ing, and resting, floating, in Me. Then you will always find safety from drowning, even in the deepest of oceans.

"Let us float now together. And come to peace after so much energetic struggle. The more frequently you remember Me as giving you all the support you need, the sooner you shall cease your turbulent thoughts and fumblings.


"Come close, dear Child, and let it all be washed away in one instant."

Session 6

Washington State, US of A, January 9, 2006. Teacher: I Am. Subject: "The Joy Of Life!" Received by Sunday Rain.


I Am: "Ah, come and rejoice in the tidings of the joy of life! Yes, indeed, Life is Song!


"Just listen to the wishful clamoring of the laughing bells in the wind! Feel the sting of life in your belly and that pulling, tugging, yearning of your heart strings, as if it were a summer’s eve and you were a child of pure heart all over again, able to express the optimism of your dreams of love in flight!

"Believe in the infectiousness within life’s harmony you see and feel around you. Why not, I say? Will you not only fill up the heavens with the sound of your joy, and but bless each and every one around you with the energy of your exuberance and who need so dearly to believe again?

"Ah, yes, there is a time for troubles, and a time for sorrows, but for now you may breathe ever so deeply in the gifts from the light of heavenly air. These are the reasons you are here, to experience All the effects of life, and when it comes to celebration, how can you possibly refuse the sweet atmosphere within the very heart center of all life and every living thing?

"The Joy of life is as contagious a notion as one thousand and one balloons released simultaneously into flight! Yes, life is serious, but for now will you not soak up the reasons for it all being so worthwhile? The tenderness of a soft touch, the living colors all around you, the smile of a baby, the breadth and width of the tree swaying in the wind, need I go on, as life surely does, and through all of eternity!


"Make no mistake. Life is beautiful!"