2006-04-19-A Lesson On Change

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Topic: A Lesson on Change

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Thought Adjuster

TR: Helen Whitworth



Divine Self: "Whether you realize it or not, you continue to reinforce a sense of your own worthlessness by berating yourself whenever the flow of life is not fully within your grip. Notice these points surely, but do not seek to change them for by doing so you move further from your goal of the endless stream. Instead remain focused within the moment, without intent to change or to judge, and soon the ‘aberration’ will be seen merely as a stone for the water to flow over and around.

"Gather all your Self into yourself, acknowledging Me as your Divine Guide, and you shall want for nothing. See how even now My cool crystal spring refreshes the parts of you that you do not close off from fear of yourself.

"There is nothing in your world that required change. There can be nothing in your worlds that requires change, for change will occur within its own time, and nature, when truly allowed and loved into doing so. When you see this and know this, then you understand more of what is real.

"In the meantime, consider My words, and allow yourself the trust to assume that they might be true. Live for a while within this essence, and its truth shall become indubitable.

"Cease then the twittering of the mother hen over yourself, and hand the role of carer back to the Mother, and Me -- your Appointed Guardian. Enliven your heart by drinking of Our nectar."


North Yorkshire, UK