2010-10-06-Intrinsic and Extrinsic Values

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Topic: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Values

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Aaron

TR: George Barnard



George: “I got a fuzzy picture of a meeting in progress. It’s gone now. I recognized only two personalities there, Machiventa and Bzutu. Lots of others there!” (Estimated to be between 4 and 5 AM, US Pacific Time).

Teacher Aaron: “At this time, when you are in meditation, and ready for a lesson from us, there is also an ongoing meeting of Melchizedeks, various other personalities, and many of the teachers who on a regular basis make themselves available on your world. I will be informed of the essence of this meeting at a later hour. This is Aaron.


“We have a lesson prepared for you. The lesson for this evening is about judgment of self and others. In the process of preparing yourself for your future lives on the Mansion Worlds and beyond, you need to derive at a balance -- a balance, a value, between being and doing. We speak about intrinsic value and extrinsic value. The intrinsic value you have is not often recognized by anyone so much. Your undeniable intrinsic value is your being a child of God. Your extrinsic value deals with what you manage to do for others. This is not separate from the intrinsic, no, this adds to the intrinsic, and that’s the total of what you are, what you are within yourself, and the soul-progress you represent.

“The question asked, which I shall answer herewith, is that it is most likely inappropriate to judge those who withdraw from the world, who perhaps live in a cave, who perhaps do not necessarily care for the outside world, just as those who merely accumulate wealth for themselves, but harvest little in the way of extrinsic value. Mind you, however, you may not judge the hermits, because many of these are capable of reaching out of the body, and being wonderful healers all over the planet, irrespective of their location. Do not look down upon those who find a place on the mountain, to be isolated from all of everyday life as being non-productive.

Consider instead, those of you who will find it necessary to spend all of your free time in being entertained. How much . . . how many of these hours could be spent in making life a little more pleasant for another who might be in great need. It is in such activity that you will find you will readily blend in with those on Mansonia One and Mansonia Two who have belatedly learned how to work in a group . . . as part of a group. And in this way add to their intrinsic values by the extrinsic work they do.


This is your Teacher Aaron. Thank you Midwayer Mathew for facilitating this meeting. I wish you all good evening.”