From Nordan Symposia
Jump to navigationJump to search- 1. a. ‘The glad tidings (of the kingdom of God)’ announced to the world by Jesus Christ. Hence, the body of religious doctrine taught by Christ and His apostles; the Christian revelation, religion or dispensation. Often contrasted with the Law, i.e. the Old Testament dispensation. Phrase, to preach, minister the gospel.
- b. Identified by Protestants with their own system of belief, as opposed to the perversions of Christianity imputed by them to their adversaries; also applied by Puritans and modern Evangelicals to the doctrine of salvation solely through trust in the merit of Christ's sacrifice.
- c. to talk gospel: to ‘talk religion’.
- d. gen. Any revelation from heaven.
- ¶the Gospel Perdurable: a book produced in 1255 under the title of Euangelium Eternum, siue Euangelium Spiritus Sancti. (See note in Skeat Chaucer (1894) I. 447.)
- e. Short for gospel music.
- 2. a. The record of Christ's life and teaching, contained in the books written by the ‘four evangelists’.
- b. One of the books written by the four Evangelists; sometimes pl. in sing. sense. Also applied to certain ancient lives of Christ of a legendary character (apocryphal gospels), as the Gospel of Nicodemus, the Gospel of the Infancy, etc.
- c. In extended sense: The Holy Scriptures.
- 3. Eccl. the gospel (for or of the day): the portion from one of the four gospels read at the Communion Service. (Cf. EPISTLE 3.) allusively (cf.4).
- 4. Something as ‘true as the gospel’; a statement to be implicitly received. Also {dag}with a, no, and to take for ({dag}a, the) gospel.
- 5. a. Something that serves as a guide to human action; something that men swear by.
- b. A doctrine ‘preached’ with fervour as a means of political or social ‘salvation’.
- 6. = Gospel-oath. Obs.{em}1
- 7. jocularly. wooden gospels: the four divisions of a board for the game of tables. Obs.
- 8. attrib. and Comb. a. simple attrib., as (sense 1: often = such as accords with, or is enjoined by, the gospel) gospel-artillery, -blessing, -champion, -church, -crew, -day, -dispensation, -duty, -freedom, -liberty, -light, -minister, ministry, -morality, music, -news, -peace, -phrase, -purity, -righteousness, -sabbath, shout, -sufferer, -times, -trump, -union, -unity, -way, -word, (sense 2) gospel-record, (sense 3) gospel-lectern. b. objective, as gospel-monger, -preacher, -preaching, singer, -teacher, -writer.
- 9. Special comb.: gospel-gossip, one who is always talking of sermons, texts, etc.; gospel-hardened a., rendered incapable of being moved by the gospel, through constant hearing of it; {dag}gospel-lad, a COVENANTER; {dag}gospel-mass-monger nonce-wd., ? a professed Protestant who favours Romish doctrine; gospel-oak (see quot. 1862); gospel-oath, an oath sworn upon the gospels, or an oath of an equally binding character; gospel-place, a place where the ‘gospel’ was recited at the perambulation of boundaries; gospel-right, a right expressly sanctioned or prescribed in the Gospel; gospel-sharp, a Western U.S. term for a Christian minister of religion; gospel-shop, a derisive name for a Methodist chapel; gospel-side, the side of the altar at which the gospel is read, the north side; gospel-sin, sin against the light of the gospel; so gospel-sinner; gospel song, a song characterized by its fervour or evangelistic message; gospel-title, an indisputable title (cf. 4 and gospel-right); gospel-tree = gospel-oak; gospel-true a., as true as the gospel (cf. next); gospel-truth, (a) the truth or truths contained in the gospel; (b) something as true as the gospel (cf. sense 4); gospelwards adv., in the direction of the gospel; {dag}gospelwright, a composer of a gospel = EVANGELIST