2010-08-12-Beauty & The Inner Life

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Topic: Beauty & The Inner Life

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Thought Adjuster

TR: Henry Z.



Greetings this evening to all of you who have gathered on the call. I am the Inner Voice of the one [who speaks] and I delight in the human expression of the spiritual qualities of beauty, the qualification of beauty by the material fact of its created existence and the spiritual ramifications of such beauty as a metaphor of ones life, ones being and ones nature. From a divine perspective, all realness is beautiful and possesses inherent beauty. Life is not real if not beautiful. It does not possess a synchronistic response to eternal harmony, to eternal truth.



It becomes tremendously difficult in a human sense to hold forth to such beauty with so much around that is not beautiful. It is not real in the eternal sense yet it is a propped up sense of reality that is mistaken for a dynamic life, one of progressively revealing the qualities of inner beauty. Like the fragrance of the rose, the quality of inner beauty begins to exude a characteristic aroma within your own spiritual nature.

Characteristic of beauty, is its alignment with a greater sense and awareness of eternal beauty, the ideal of beauty, the wellspring of love which by its mere movement within circuits begins to transform the nature and quality of both the thought process and the resulting action within human life revealing the profound quality of love and its myriads of aspects within your daily life.

The quality within ones life of seeking the inner guidance and Presence begins to reveal its quality within the life of the human, within the life of the mind which has allowed itself to come to an understanding of what needs to be decided and achieved to move forward in life no matter in what situation. A person which has abused something to the point where it has become a problem in their lives, when they begin to get control of their behavior and their thought patterns, there begins to emerge a direct response within their lives.

Sometimes beauty is tremendously subtle. It may not be the majestic flowerhead of a rose but may be somewhere on its stem. Nonetheless, many aspects of the flower go into making its beauty just as many aspects of human life have to be traversed to have an understanding and perspective of growth, of what is beautiful, what brings the necessary changes within ones life to move in a greater direction.

The greatest aspect of beauty though, in a human sense, is to access this wellspring of love within, to have a grounded sense and knowingness of this love, almost to the point of being intoxicated by the immense understanding of this greater love and its dynamic as it works within your life, as you begin to access levels of love, the receiving and the giving parts of love, the non static parts, the movement of love. The transference of love creates more love, an interesting dynamic when you consider that loves grows greater the more love is spent, the more love that is given begins to increase in dynamic.

You ability to begin to negotiate the space around yourself, the people that you are involved with, that you can move within a trust and a knowingness and not be overwhelmed by sudden and unfortunate things which may come up to be dealt with but having a grounded sense and a nature that all things are revealed to be worked out, all things work out for the greater good, to be able to accept how things must move to work out.

Inner Life

Many times within ones life, the Adjuster is grappling for attention within the human consciousness, giving on every thought, every mental place that the subject goes just to initiate awareness, initiate awareness of presence. The divine beauty in the concepts and the actual reality of an aspect of the divine residing within the lowest form of conscious creation, to live and work within that creation, to reveal an aspect of divine eternity within the momentary life of the subject of indwelling, that this subject may glimpse this great opportunity that exists within; seize upon this and grow into an ever ascending order of perfection. Again, an aspect of divine beauty.

In your meditations and quiet time throughout the week, begin to focus on the positive qualities of how your life has changed as a result of your contact and working with spirit. Begin to see where you have made progress, what spirit has brought into your life or has directed you to bring into your own life, the opportunities, the clarity, the way in which you see things a little differently now that you understand this experience with spirit. So look a little into what you can identify in your life even if it is tremendously subtle and you can't quite pinpoint what it is but there is something about the certain qualities within your life that have changed. And as you focus on these things, sit in a stance of acceptance and thankfulness of spirit which have helped augment your life in the ways in which you have discovered for yourself.


Thank you for this opportunity to speak a little this evening and as you go about your way this week, go in peace and go in cheer. Thank you.