2024-02-07-Free Will Choice

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Topic: Free Will Choice

Group: Zoom Contact Group


Teacher: Daniel

TR: Simeon



My friends, I am Daniel, glad to be here with you tonight. We have been working to produce a level of engagement with you that is meaningful personally, as well as collectively, and can report some success in that regard. More of you have a deeper sense of personal connection to your Indwellers and ourselves so that individualized guidance can occur as well as the well structured statements that we are allowed to share in a group atmosphere.


Free will choice is an important concept in your lives, in how the universe operates, and so we are quite cognizant of this as we work with you. I know that often there is some lamentation regarding the difficult circumstances on your world, whether it be poverty, or environmental, political strife, or simply how people are treating other people. It does not fall on deaf ears. We can recognize many questions that go out to the universe, to our parents to be exact, about why there isn't more change and transformation. The simplest answer, even though perhaps not considered simple, is free will choice. We cannot abridge free will choice and this puts restrictions on how we can maneuver between the spirit, morontial, and material worlds. To simply wave a wand and clear up all dysfunction and distortion would be to characterize the time and space experiment as a fallacy, as a simple exercise in manipulating events to manifest, much as humans would create robots to do. You are not robots, and thus we are tasked with working with where you are now and to begin a slow communication process that can build gradual transformation. If we were to simply stop the effects of global warming now, while many go about doing activities that exacerbate it, then it is simply a drop in the bucket that would perpetuate a continuation of previous patterns.

We tell you, but you do not always allow it to be absorbed within you, perhaps feeling as though they are platitudes or that it is simply courtesy or nice words, but you, each of you, are the project. Understand this. Each of you is an important part of the process that will bring about transformation on your world. This is not ego stroking. This is a true relation to you about the journey you are undergoing and how you can play a part in not only your transformation, but how others in your circle of influence understand certain ideas and factors. There is a tipping point that occurs when change happens and it generally comes when enough people become aware of an idea or ideals to shift the thinking toward how to manifest a new reality rather than simply perpetuating the current flow of events. Each one of you, by taking seriously your relationship to God and your recognition of being part of the family of God, which goes beyond the brotherhood of man to the siblinghood of all throughout the universes, as you come to this awareness and recognize your ability to act and react in a way that is portraying this as well as saying this, will allow others to begin the process of questioning, seeking, and wondering how to move toward those ideals their neighbor is sharing. And while big changes on the world stage can occur, for true lasting transformation, this person by person magnetism or lure is perhaps more effective than any other techniques for affecting transformative change.

So trust that you each have a role to play. Know that there are teachers available to each of you, as well as all of you, such as here now, and take that time to ask those questions. Listen for answers. Spend quality time in contemplation, knowing that your Father's ear is next to yours and can hear and will respond and where this is not completely capable of being transferred, we are brought in to help bridge the gap. We have enjoyed this process with you for many years now and look forward to many more as you become more and more aware of your potential and continue to achieve it.

Thank you for listening to me tonight. I am certainly available for questions, but there are also others available.


Q1: Daniel, I understand our free will and how it affects the future of our planet very well, but I'm pinning my hope on more circuits being open, more help coming in, like daily. Am I off on this?

Daniel: No, my dear, rest assured that we are not simply at the mercy of the whims of fallible mortals, and I say that not as an aspersion, but a recognition that you are fledgling souls grappling with the realities you face in the material world while slowly becoming aware of the possibilities in the spiritual world. But we are not resting easy. Free will choice does not mean there is not still a relationship between spirit and human, and the morontia and spirit and material world. There is an immense level of resources available to you and it is growing and so the encouragement for you is to take seriously what is available to you, not in an ominous way, but joyfully to recognize that you, by your choices, have accepted universe citizenship. Although you may still be a material being, you have each chosen. We know this and so we are in a sense encouraging you forward to manifest in ways we cannot. You can do visible things and engage in direct interaction and portray the values that you so want to see manifested on your world. So our challenge is to bring the resources to bear on your efforts, to make them available to you and to seek to make them available to others if they will hear.

Q2: I had a discussion with my study group about the circuits being open more and more and they were shocked and they put it in the category of astrology. So I just had to double check if I was crazy or not. On the free will side, some days I would like a rock from space to land on some people's free will. Did I say that out loud?

Daniel: I understand your sentiment and hopefully this would be a figurative rock, but understand that when people choose to participate in an activity that goes in a circular pattern it is difficult to break out of the circle to recognize that what may have been true at one time is no longer true, no longer the fact. The Urantia Papers came about 100 years ago. To believe that being on the precipice of change, and Machiventa to be appearing at any time or any hour, and still place that within the paradigm of "it doesn't say that in the book, therefore it must not be true" or it seems like flights of fancy, is all too common in a sort of fundamentalist mindset that always thinks the future is the future and that what it says in their holy books is all they can believe in. Despite knowing theoretically these things are possible it is hard to take the leap of faith that they may have already occurred and are occuring. So do not be too disheartened, for they are seekers in their own way, these seekers who seem to be in the circle, but for those looking outside the circle there are some realities to be had and found and manifested and eventually even those persons will not be able to deny the change occurring.

Q2: Thank you. We did read about it, but most felt it would never be in their lifetime or their children's or their grandchildren's.

Q3: I wonder about this word free will. We have Thought Adjusters since we are around five years old or something. That voice is always true. When you make a choice to do something wrong you always know because you have a Thought Adjuster. Everyone knows when they are wrong, don't they? The will of the Father is the truth, beauty and goodness of life for me. So I don't like this word free will, because everyone who follows the Father from me up to Paradise is one will of love, light, truth and beauty. So I want to refer to it as anti will, because the real will of the Father is good. It's not free. When you're with the Father you're free. Free will, to me, is a choice against the will of God. If you can't follow your inner voice or if you can't hear the message Machiventa is saying, there's a block or an obstruction or whatever makes us defective, but it's not free will. It's anti will, because real will is only good from the Father and we have that in us. We not only have the Father's spirit, we have the Father's will in us. So I want to call it something different. Am I wrong?

Q4: I have a comment along those lines.

Daniel: I would respond first, thank you. The imperative word, perhaps to understand, is not free or will, but choice and you are allowed to make your choices. All humans of normal mind have the adjuster leading as part of their decision making process to the degree they allow it to occur, and so the challenge in free will is to know you are free to choose and yet, it is true that those who recognize higher reality understand that choice for the highest is the best path to take, and yet not even they are able to do it all the time because of whatever conditioning has occurred in their lives that brings them uncertainty or inner strife, desires to follow the leadings of the flesh more so than the leadings of spirit. The challenge in free will is to make your will the Father's will, to allow your will to coincide, and so if you can transform this to a higher conceptual word, we would be glad to transplant the term "free will" with this, but hopefully until such time you will allow us this terminology.

Q3: Okay, so it's kind of like it's my will that the Father's will be done so that's aligning up to it. But when we're fused we don't have that choice problem any more do we?

Daniel: No. You have chosen. It is the very fact of choosing that the fusion process occurs, and you have heard it said in the Urantia papers that doing the Father's will is nothing more or less than sharing your life with him, allowing him in for both the good and the bad and the neutral, for as you do this, all parts of your life are viewed within the lens of higher perspective and choices toward the right are easier to take.

Q4: I have a great deal of personal work I've undergone all my life since I first heard about it in church when I was young and my rector described free will as a gift from God. Our job is to learn God's will for us in the best way we possibly know and we have the gift of being able to choose to do his will and that has stayed with me and as I've gotten older a lot of times I ask what is his will. Sometimes I'm not capable of doing it, but I know he accepts me when I strive to do what I best understand his will to be, if that makes sense. I love what you said, Daniel. Free will was the first gift we were given by God. It's an awesome burden, but on the other hand if we seek God's will and focus through our inner relationship with God within us, we will better understand what his will is for each one of us as individuals, as well as part of a whole. Many things you touched on tonight are exactly related to things that have been current in my life and I want to thank you for the validation that you've given me. It's very encouraging to get glimpses every now and then to be given the lessons you've given tonight. Thank you.

Daniel: Yes, thank you for your eloquence in sharing your perspectives on free will, my dear. So often people conflate the idea of free will choice with unbridled freedom, and truly the mature society starts to realize that free will is a calling to all those in the universe grappling with their relationship to understand that because you have the opportunity to do anything you want does not mean that this is the highest path, but that the freedom to do good is the calling of free will choice, to, by your choice, do good.

Q5: So I have a question, thank you. I work with a lot of people struggling in many ways and if you were to respond to them about why they are struggling, why this terrible thing is happening to them, whether it's the one with a husband dying from ALS, or the one whose daughter is dying from a terminal disease, what would you say to those people? Why is there such suffering?

Daniel: Thank you. Although we discussed free will choice here tonight, let me assure you that our response would not be to say it is because of free will choice, even if that were true, for choices over generations produce many things that are not immediate in the moment, in the struggles or ailments at hand, but it does no good to say that what you are going through is because of choices over many many generations and millenia. This does not satisfy the heart, the soul, or the mind.

In reality, you are living an experiential life in time and space that must deal with so many factors, environmentally, genetically, culturally, that to make sense of any one misfortune would take an individualized approach to understand, such that no one answer can be satisfactory for everyone. Generally, when those who struggle reach out and are able to receive the response, it is more along the lines of when your Master said that he would not promise an end to the accidents and misfortunes of time, but that he would be with you through these things. The solace that struggling people find is that they are not alone and that they are loved and sometimes this can bring about a transformation in mind and attitude, but of course when there are physical ailments involved it is not always possible.

For every reality you face in the material life this is a shadowing or foretelling... (that's not the right word) ...something about the spiritual and material and how there is a transformation when you are released from the material body to recognize all of the factors that go into how you lived and those things you deal with as a human, so that you can manifest more readily in the morontia experience and move beyond the impediments. For humans, so often, you see the material experience as being the most important thing, and in some sense it is the framework for a greater reality to come. You may not be able to sidestep the realities of time and space and material and be instantly healed from whatever ailments may occur, but the promise of the future is real and to heed those calls to recognize that this struggle is worth it and that you will understand that at a greater degree when you transition.

Rest assured that these people you minister to in your work who are seeking answers from you are also being ministered to by those unseen forces and whether they can directly hear them or understand, there are influences that allow them to hopefully put into perspective all that they are dealing with. As you can tell, there are no easy simple answers. It is a person by person approach as to what will work and what doesn't.

Q5: Yes, they do struggle with what appears to be such randomness and because the human experience is so linear and limited to this particular incarnation they don't have a larger view. I know the one who will struggle the rest of her life is the mother who will lose her daughter. That's the hole in her heart that will never be filled. It will always be experienced as an ache. Do you have any words or ideas that could inspire when that time comes.

Daniel: She will need to know that she is not alone and that despite the struggle and ache, as you say, she is being ministered to. The very ability to get up and go through each day has innumerable moments wherein the bridge of her spirit influence allows for her to get past an impasse to continue on despite the difficulty. Humans do not know how present spirit is in their lives. Each of you, for instance, has had moments in your life that perhaps you didn't think you could get past and yet somehow you did. You were not alone and this is why you could get past such instances. To know this reality is to recognize the promise of a spiritual future where she can reunite and have a fulfilling relationship with the very one she loves so dearly and is afraid to let go of.

Q5: That was very helpful. Truly, thank you. I will store that information.

Q6: Your questions seem so universal to things people go through and it's tough to deal with. I believe I grew spiritually with each challenge and probably grew closer to my Indwelling Spirit. I am interested about what my first moral decision was, that decision that maybe something was going on inside me. I guess I'll have to wait and find out about that in due course.

Daniel: Mansonia week two. The first week is reuniting with your loved ones. The second week is the review, and then you move forward into your classes and it is an exciting experience. Although they say you gain nothing between your death and your awakening over there, I do not see this as being exactly true, for there is an awareness and a relief and a release that occurs that brings about a sort of exuberance and joy when you realize all that is before you and all you have to learn and look forward to in your future experience.

Q6: After the reuniting with our loved ones, it seems to reference that it's a short lived reunion. I wonder if there are other opportunities to keep in touch with those we have relationships with? Is there a way to keep in touch with how they are doing?

Daniel: We cannot discuss too much about your future experiences, but if you understand how the evolution of the Supreme is coming about, you recognize that all personality is blending in unity and therefore your ability to communicate via channels to any personality within that network is available and those you hold dear are part and parcel to this experience. Many times families progress together for parts of their journey, for they are on similar wavelengths and development. Sometimes you are more focused in your development toward some specific activity that would perhaps take you away, but distance is not a great factor in spiritual life. Space between does not factor in so much as you have the ability to communicate across distances via networks. Just as you have your zoom and facetime here, we have perhaps a little bit more developed networks to communicate with one another, so trust that all relationships of value will continue.

Q6: Thank you. I guess at this stage of life with a grandchild, it will be interesting to welcome him to the mansion worlds at some time and to reconnect with him and to learn from him and teach him at some point in time. That seems to be a nice carrot dangling and a lovely blessing.

Daniel: Yes, it is something to look forward to and to know that once you are in your mansion world experience there is not a lot of time to simply yearn for and miss those who are still moving along in their material experience. You are busy, you are exploring, you are still growing and so the time you think you would be missing them is taken doing tasks. Sometimes when you find they have crossed over, you are somewhat surprised and stop what you are doing to go pay a visit, but it is not long periods of yearning and wistfulness. There are lives to be lived, whether here or there.

Q6: "Service is the watchword of the universe" is a line that springs to me from the Urantia book and nothing has diminished the meaning of that for me. I believe that's what leads us as neophytes to want to learn more and more from our Indwelling Spirit and to keep growing and growing.


Daniel: Thank you. Well said... My friends, thank you for allowing me to communicate with you tonight. It has been a pleasure. Know that I am appreciative of your questions and glad to be able to offer whatever insights I can.